Page 101 of Menace
Ink sighed.
“Hang on a minute.” He said and muted him.
When he came back there was no more background noise. No music and no voices. Only silence.
“This is fucked up, brother. I really don’t fuckin’ like doin’ this shit to her.” Ink growled at him. “She’s a fuckin’ new mom and shouldn’t be stressin’ about your bullshit.”
He totally agreed with his brother.
“I know, Ink, but you heard what prez ordered. No contact until this shit is sorted. Now tell me, how is she?”
His brother sighed. “She’s fine, well as fine as a pissed off woman can be. I’m keepin’ an eye, so don’t worry. I won’t let anythin’ happen to her or to Ry.”
Lucky groaned. “Fuckin’ wish I could be there, takin’ care of her. We’re workin’ as fast as we can but it’s still takin’ too long. I don’t like her bein’ alone at the house. I want her here where we can be sure she’s safe.”
Ink grunted as if in agreement. “I hear you, brother. But prez knows what he’s doin’, he won’t steer you wrong. Just a little more time and then you can fix this shit. Make her smile again.”
That hurt. Knowing his little cat wasn’t smiling.
“Thanks for the update, Ink. Let me know when she goes home, okay?”
“Will do.”
Ink ended the call and he slipped his phone into his pocket with a sigh.
He was about to go see Byte when Mouth knocked and walked in.
What now?
“That woman is back at the gate, Boss. She says she has to speak to you urgently.” The prospect made big eyes at him. “She has a lot of black suited men with her, two blacked out SUV’s actually. What do I tell the gate?”
Closing his eyes he swore silently. Opening them again he looked at the worried prospect.
“Nothing yet. Let me talk to prez and see what he wants to do. Keep them outside, Mouth. They donotcome inside.”
Lucky almost ran to Maniac’s office and hardly knocked before he pushed open the door.
Maniac looked up with a pissed off frown.
“Did I say you could come in?” He snapped.
“She’s back, Prez.”
He didn’t have to say anything else. His prez knew.
Maniac’s eyes narrowed, he pressed a button on his desk and started swinging his chair from side to side, as he watched the goings on at the gate on the monitor against the wall. The slut stood outside their gate, a hand on her hip the other waving in the air as she bitched at the brother on duty. Behind her a black suited asshole stood next to the open door of one of the blacked out SUVs.
Lucky waited.
Finally the swinging stopped and his prez pointed a finger at him.
“Same procedure as before. She walks in alone, those vehicles aren’t allowed in. You talk to her in the holding room with two brothers present. Today it will be Dive and Byte. He will be takin’ close up photos of the bitch. He’ll do it without her knowin’ he’s doin’ it. Don’t let her fuck with you, Lucky. Keep the meet short then get her out of here.”
“I got you, Prez.” There wasn’t much else he could say.
Ten minutes later he was sitting opposite the woman in the holding room. It was obvious she had yet again dressed with seduction in mind, but again, it did nothing for him.
“I thought you understood that we would call you when we were ready to continue this conversation, Gloria.” Lucky purposely used the name he knew her as.