Page 102 of Menace
The bitch wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eye.
“Time is running out for our son. We need to get Antonio out, Lucky. Pablo and his father are becoming suspicious of my prolonged stay in Savannah. I can’t stay much longer. Please, come with me. He needs us. Please, I beg you, don’t let them get him.” She begged.
She was a slimy piece of work, the way she tried to play on his emotions only made him angry.
Lucky shook his head regretfully.
“It’s not my decision to make. I can’t authorise a group of brothers to go down to Mexico. It’s outside of our territory and calls need to be made by our president to clubs along the way to facilitate us ridin’ through their territory. This isn’t somethin’ that can happen overnight. It takes time to organise.”
She became visibly agitated. “We don’t have time! I’ve been told they are going to send the men out to bring him to Carlos. He’s going to start bringing him into the family. If they get to him before we do he’s lost to us. There’s no way we would ever be able to get him out of the compound. No one gets out without him giving the order to allow them through the gates. And there’s no other way in or out. We have to get him now, while he’s still with my aunt.”
For a second Lucky wondered if she was telling the truth. Before he could say anything Byte sat forward and pushed his tablet towards the bitch.
“This is a satellite image of the compound. I see two entrances, not one as you’ve just told us.” He said evenly.
Her eyes widened then narrowed as she looked down at the image on the tablet.
“The second gate is a fake. It doesn’t open.”
Byte pulled the tablet back and hummed then gave a quick nod. “I see, good to know.”
She immediately turned back to him. “Please, please come with me to get our son, Lucky. I have the men and the cars. If we leave now we’ll have him back here by tomorrow afternoon.”
The bitch was persistent, he’ll give her that.
Lucky shook his head and stood.
“I’m sorry, I can’t leave without my president’s approval and he won’t give it. Go back to your hotel and as soon as he gives me an answer I’ll call you.”
Pushing her chair back she stood then walked up to him and put her hand on his chest.
“No touching.” Dive growled.
She glared at the brother, dropped her hand then looked up at him, fake tears in her eyes.
“Please don’t wait too long, Lucky. A young boy’s life is on the line.” She whispered, turned and walked out the room.
No one said a word as they walked out behind her. Lucky watched as she made her way out of the front doors and down to the gate then through it. She glanced back at the clubhouse before getting into the back of the SUV, moments later it drove away.
Only then did he go to Maniac’s office where he knew the officers were waiting.
He wasn’t expecting his prez to tell him he could go to Harper, and he was right. They were waiting on more information from Byte and his contact, Ghost.
It was taking damned long.
He sat in his chair and listened as everyone talked around him. He didn’t have anything to say, not yet anyway.
“If the bitch comes back, and we all know she’s gonna come back, we need to have a play in place. We can’t keep tellin’ her we’re waitin’ on Prez to make a decision. She’s getting’ itchy.” Dive said. “We need a plan for when sh…”
He didn’t get further because Byte, who has been tapping away on his laptop, suddenly gave a loud yell and shook a fist in the air.
“Yes, muthafuckas!”
Turning to Maniac he grinned. “Sorry, Prez, Ghost just sent through her results. We have conclusive proof the kid isnotLucky’s. She dug deeper than just the facial comparisons. I have no idea how she got hold of it and she’s not sayin’ but she got hold of the kid’s real birth certificate. He’s fourteen and the only child of Pablo Mendez and an unknown woman, his name is Joaquin Mendez.”
He looked at Lucky and shrugged. “Sorry, bro, if you were hopin’ he was yours.”
Turning back to their prez he continued while Lucky’s gut slowly unclenched. The kid wasn’t his. There was nothing tying him to Gloria/Carmella Mendez, nothing. It was yet another lie the slut had tried to sell him.