Page 141 of Menace
“I’ll tell him, brother. I have to get goin’, I want to see my brothers before the nurses kick us off the floor.” He said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Thanks for coming to see me, I appreciate it.” Cole said as they shook hands.
“We’ll be back, bro.” Rider said suddenly. “Not going to let you lie here with only a guard to keep you company. You’ll lose your fucking mind that way.”
Laughing Lucky gave Cole a last tap on the shoulder before he walked out.
Outside the door he paused next to the guard.
“Thanks for lettin’ me see him.” He said.
He shrugged. “No problem, he doesn’t get any visitors except that uptight boss of his and the FBI guy. I thought he deserved to see normal people.”
Lure snorted. “Us? Normal? You must be smokin’ your socks man, we’re the furthest thing from normal.”
Again the guard shrugged. “In my eyes you’re normal. He needed to have that.”
Lucky smacked a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll see to it that he has visitors, as long as you let them in, and thanks again for this. Keep an eye on him for us, okay?”
The cop narrowed his eyes then nodded. “You got it.”
Walking to where his brothers were standing in the corridor he wondered about the young cop. He hadn’t really noticed his name but he was sure one of their group did. He would ask later.
He, Asa and Rider went into Bren’s room first. The brother was asleep but the frown on his face said he was in pain. They didn’t want to disturb him so they quietly left.
“How’s he doing?”
Asa asked his man who waited for them in the open door.
“He’s getting there, Boss. He’s in a lot of pain but his doc’s happy with his progress. They gave him a shot before you came around so he’ll be out for a while.” He explained.
“Tell him I’ll be back later. We’re sorting some shit but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Asa said and his man nodded.
Lucky clearly saw the respect he had for his boss.
“Please tell him Harper is awake and doing well.” Lucky added.
“I’ll let him know when he wakes.” He held out a hand to Lucky and they shook. “Doesn’t look like the boss is going to introduce us, I’m Rory, Bren’s cousin.” He said with a grin.
“Fuck off, Rory.” Asa swore without any heat.
As they started to move away he held up a hand. “They gave Magic a jab too. He’s in dreamland as well. Viper is awake though.”
“Thanks man, appreciate you keepin’ an eye with my brothers.”
He gave a chin lift as he turned and went back to his post outside Bren’s room.
Viper was sitting up, the back of his bed raised, and with a remote aimed at the television against the wall. He glanced over as they walked in and dropped the remote.
“Fuckin’ finally I have visitors who will tell me what the fuck’s goin’ on out there.” He griped. “Prez and Grave just keep sayin’ to rest and get better. It’s not fuckin’ helpin’.”
“How you doin’, bro?” Lure asked as he sat on the end of the bed.
“I was lucky, man. So fuckin’ lucky. I had just come from inside and was busy pulling on my vest when they attacked. It saved my life. I got hit in the leg and the bullet meant for my head hit the vest, knockin’ me out, givin’ me a serious concussion. Fuckers thought they’d killed me. But Magic, fuck man, he took three to the chest and abdomen. When I regained consciousness they were long gone. I crawled over to him, used my shirt to try and stop the bleedin’. Never been so happy to see fuckin’ paramedics and pigs in my life. The nurse told me he was in surgery for hours and in ICU. This mornin’ they transferred him here because he’s doin’ well. Apparently we’re in a high care unit, so he’s in good hands. I was lucky, all I got was a fuckin’ flesh wound and got my brain scrambled. They’ve had me under observation but I’ll be movin’ to a private room later today and my doc says I should be out of here day after tomorrow. Don’t want to leave my brother but I can’t take up a bed someone else needs.”
“That’s a lot, brother.” Lucky said quietly.
“Yeah.” Viper agreed. “Prez told me Harper was good. Said the fuckers still has your boy.”