Page 142 of Menace
He wondered when Maniac had been to see him but didn’t ask.
“Prez has been busy I see. Yeah, Harper is in ICU recoverin’ and the fucking cartel fuckers have my boy. Don’t you worry, I’m goin’ to get him back. But first I want to say thanks, thanks for protectin’ my woman and child.”
Viper snorted. “I fuckin’ failed. Got a bullet in the leg and a huge lump on my head for my trouble.”
Lucky shook his head. “No. You didn’t fail. You were betrayed. Flag is a traitor, he sold us out.”
His eyes narrowed and he looked about ready to explode. “Prez didn’t tell me that. Fuckin’ hell. Tell me you’ve got the little fuck locked down.”
Dive put a hand on his shoulder and leant in.
“We do, bro, goin’ to keep him on ice for you and Magic. You can deal with him once the two of you are back to one hundred percent.”
Lucky hadn’t been aware that the prospect had been captured. Not that he cared. They could do whatever the fuck they wanted with him. All he wanted was for the little bastard to suffer before he stopped breathing.
Viper started to look tired and they left the high care unit and were about to go back to the ICU when they were ambushed by Ren, Maniac and Grave.
“You need to come back to the clubhouse and get cleaned up. They’re not goin’ to let you back into ICU lookin’ the way you do. The only reason they let you in the first time was because you looked ready to take the damned hospital apart.” Maniac ordered.
“Prez, I can’t leave her…” He didn’t get to finish.
“She will be safe, brother. You have my word. Go, get cleaned up, your brothers will watch over your old lady.” His prez said as he squeezed his shoulder.
His prez was right. They needed to clean up.
He and Rider rode back to the clubhouse in the middle of a large group of his brothers. And once they had showered and dressed in clean clothes they were escorted into Maniac’s office.
All the officers were there, waiting on them.
That’s when he found out about the exchange Maniac had arranged with Carlos Mendez.
To get his boy back he had to find and rescue fucking Pablo Mendez’s son. He fucking hated it.
“Where is he and when do we leave?” He asked instead of losing his temper.
“You’re not goin’ to believe this, brother.” Ren said quietly.
Lucky tipped his head to the side and narrowed his eyes as he thought about a place the kid could have been stashed.
“The kid is bein’ held in your old apartment.” Ren said.
He didn’t think there was anything else Carmella Mendez could do that would shock him. He was wrong.
“I sent Smoke and Mouth to check it out. They reported seein’ two men at the apartment. Haven’t seen the kid but there’s an old woman there as well. It must be the grandmother the bitch was talkin’ about.”
Maniac’s voice was clipped as he laid it out for them.
“We need Lucky to walk up to the apartment as if Carmella had sent him to collect the kid. I don’t think they know she’s dead. If they did the kid and the old woman would be dead, and they’re not.”
He looked around the room.
“While their eyes and attention are on him the rest of the team will gain access to the apartment. We take out the guards, permanently, and bring the kid and the old woman here. Once we have them I’ll call Carlos and arrange the exchange.”
“What about Pablo?” Lucky growled. “He tortured my old lady on Carlos’s orders. What’s goin’ to happen to him?”
His prez looked at him for the longest time before he spoke.
“One thing at a time, brother. We get your son back and then we sit down and plan the next step. Believe me, we’re not lettin’ the bastards get away with this. We’ll be takin’ them down. This shit makes us look weak and there’s no fuckin’ way we’re weak. The Grave Robbers are goin’ to find they’re no longer welcome in any of our territories. We’ll show them and anyone one who thinks to come after our club that we don’t fuck around. They come after our families and we’ll wipe them out.”