Page 158 of Menace
Rider laughed and smacked him on the back, hard.
“You treat my sister like the treasure she is and we won’t ever have a problem like that.”
Lucky hooked an arm around the shoulders of the shorter man and gave him a side hug.
“She’s my old lady, brother, no way am I goin’ to do shit that would have her leavin’ me. People look at her and all they see is the smiles and laughter but look deep in her eyes and you will see the steel she has for a spine. She’s perfect for me, Rider, absolutely perfect. I’m goin’ to need a strong woman by my side.”
He couldn’t say more but he knew Rider read between the lines because he stiffened under his arm.
“You make sure that whatever happens the two of them are safe and we won’t have problems.” He ordered quietly.
“You have my word, brother.” Lucky answered as quietly.
“Good. Now let’s get over there because your old lady is giving us the eye. She’s been wondering why you were taking so long.”
Lucky didn’t answer, he didn’t need to because Rider understood. It was club business.
Dropping his arm from Rider’s shoulders he walked across the thick lawn to his old lady. She watched him with narrowed eyes and he knew she had noticed that he had changed clothes.
His cousins called out greetings as he walked towards her.
“Lucky,comment ça va(how’s it going)?”
“Hey, cousin.”
“Hi, cousin.”
He waved at them, his eyes on his old lady and son. They could wait, he would talk to them later.
Kneeling next to her he leaned over, his arms on either side of her body, and pressed his lips to hers. Kissing her slow and sweet before lifting his head.
“Hi, baby, sorry I was gone so long but…” He shrugged.
She smiled, lifted up and whispered in his ear.
“We’ll talk about that and the clothes later.”
Pulling away her smile was brilliant as she looked down at their son.
“Your son is enjoying the fresh air and his family.”
Moving over he sat down then slid his arms beneath his boy and lifted him into his arms.
“Hey, Ry, have you been good for your Mama?” He looked in his son’s blue eyes, kissed his forehead then settled him against his chest. His big hands almost entirely covered his boy.
It still amazed him that the little human in his hands was his son. For years he had believed he would never have an old lady or children. And now he had both, an old lady and a son.
Rider lay down on the grass next to them, his arms behind his head and gave a relaxed groan.
“I could fall asleep right here.” He muttered.
Harper leaned over and smacked his belly. “No, you can’t. You have so little time left before you guys go home. I want you awake for most of it. I don’t know when we’re going to see you again.”
“Ouch! I wasn’t really going to fall asleep.” The bugger lied.
“Such a bloody liar.” Harper teased.
Rider rolled his head and grinned at them. “You’re so easy, Harp, you and Delly are the…”