Page 159 of Menace
His phone rang and he instantly sat up, drawing it from his pocket. He didn’t even look at the caller as he answered. He must have assigned whoever it was a ringtone.
“Are you guys okay?” He asked with a frown.
He listened then shook his head and grinned.
“Okay, G, tell her I’ll call back in a minute or two. I’m outside and I don’t have my tablet with me. Give me a second, okay? Yeah, call you back.”
He jumped up and started walking away.
“Hey! Rider, what’s goin’ on?” Lucky called after him.
“My kid is being a little diva, she wants a video call, right now. I’ve got to get my tablet from my saddlebag, back in a sec.” He threw over his shoulder as he strode away.
His cousin Bas sniggered mockingly. “The brother is totally whipped. Lettin’ a kid rule his life like that. He should just tell her to wait for his call.”
Lucky opened his mouth but his old lady got there first.
“Just so you know, his pregnant wife was murdered two years ago. His little girl is all he has left of her. He’s one of the best men I know. Giving his little girl his time and love makes him an exceptional man. Not many of those around.”
Bas held his hands up in apology. “Fuck. Sorry, sweetheart, didn’t know the man’s history. Thought it was his old lady callin’. Damn, I feel for him.”
There were nods all around and Lucky jumped into the conversation.
“Do not look at him as if you pity him, he’ll have your fuckin’ nuts. The brother is a badass behind that laid back face he shows the world.”
Again nods all around.
His boy was fast asleep and he lay him back down on the big cushion.
Rider came striding around the house, a small bag in his hand. He sat down next to them, put the bag on his crossed legs and zipped it open, extracting a tablet in a leather cover and a small speaker. Putting the bag to the side he opened the tablet and started it up. He checked his phone then slid it back into his kutte’s inside pocket.
Finally he dialled.
It rang once and his baby girl answered.
Rider had the tablet connected to a small speaker and they could all hear her while he could see and hear his baby.
“Dadda, I’s bin waitin’ an’ waitin’ ta call youse. G ‘splained de…de time fings, we’s not same, same. Ooh! Dadda, we gots a…a…a globe wif de wold on it. We putted rrred an’ blue pins innit wherrre you arrre.” Rider grinned as she wrinkled her nose. “It’s farrr, farrr, farrr away, Dadda. Youse too farrr away, I want you herrre. We tooked de globe from Unka Hawk’s house. Awnty DeeCee sayed okay.”
“Hello baby girl. What did your Uncle Hawk say about you taking his globe, Delly?” Rider asked.
He tilted the tablet so Lucky and Harper could watch.
His baby girl was sitting crossed legged on top of what was obviously a kitchen table. She was dressed in black jeans and a long sleeved black tee with glittery bright pink angel wings on the front. She wore little biker boots and her hair was pulled up in two high pony tails with black and pink ribbons. She looked so damned cute. Every time she said an r she exaggerated it, dragging it out. The last time he had seen her she’d had trouble saying them.
A little hand was thrown out and she pulled a face then shrugged. “Awnty DeeCee knows we tooked it, Dadda. She sayed its fiiiine.”
She clapped her hands and leaned forward. “Dadda, you know what? I wented to skoowal wif de udderrr kids today. Dey’s gotted a teachurrrr. Unca Hawke gotted dem one. I played and I maked a pass da pot to come see youse. Look!” She picked up a folded and stapled together booklet, pointing at the front. “Dis herrre says Souf Afrrrica, an’ herrre is ma pikturrre an’ ma name. See, see herrre? Delene De Rrrriderrr.” She grinned huge. “I sayded ma name, Dadda. Did you hearrr?”
“I hear, baby. I’m so proud of my big girl.”
She nodded. “I’s a big gurrrl now. I’s gonna come see youse wif ma pass da pot on da airrryplane. Unka Scarrr tolded me I can’t go to de Vanna wifout a pass da pot. I maded one, so I’s comin’ to youse an’ my Harrrpy and my baby brrro.”
Rider muttered under his breath about killing his brother when he got home.
The little girl suddenly noticed Lucky and aimed a big smile his way.
“Unca Luckeee! I see youse. Youse wif ma Dadda. Wherrre’s ma Harrrpy? An’ ma baby brrro?” She clapped her hands excitedly.