Page 22 of Fighting Fate
ME:I’m going to homecoming with Griffin, Harp. Sorry to shatter your dreams of being my maid of honor, but I’m seventeen. I’m not looking for true love. I just want a date to homecoming. That is it.
Her response is immediate.
HARPER:Fine. But when you guys FINALLY get together, I’m going to give the best maid of honor speech ever about how I always knew you belonged together.
HARPER:You should come over. We can practice doing hair for homecoming. I have so many ideas! You’re so lucky your hair is long!
I want to tell her that her hair would be long too if she didn’t cut it off.
Harper is always experimenting with her hair. When school started, she had fire red hair that went just below her shoulders. Now, she has baby pink hair that barely goes below her chin. I miss the fire red hair, but the softer color suits her. She’s a natural blonde, so the color matches her skin much better. She couldn’t pull off the red, but I wouldn’t tell herthat.
My phone goes off again and I look down, expecting to see a text from Harper. Instead, it’s Hunter.
HUNTER:You cannot go hang out in her dorm. Not unless I go too.
I roll my eyes.
Of course.
I text Hunter.
ME:Come on. You never let me have a break from you. Please let me hang out with my friend. You can sit outside the dorm or something.
HUNTER:I’m not sitting outside the dorm for a few hours while you hang out with your friend. Besides, there is a window in her dorm and I don’t have anybody else to help watch you today.
I frown, realizing that I won’t be talking Hunter into it.
I pull up the conversation with Harper.
ME:Sorry. I can’t come hang out today. :(
HARPER:Why not?
Because Hunter is overprotective.
Okay, fine. He’s overprotective for a reason. But I still don’t like it.
ME:Hunter is forcing me to hang out with him. He’s such a butthead.
It’s not the nicest thing I’ve ever said, but I want Hunter to know I’m mad at him.
Honestly, he shouldn’t be reading my texts anyway. It’s a complete invasion of privacy.
HARPER: :):) :) :)
HARPER:Maybe you should make your move.
My cheeks grows warm as I read her text.
It’s so much worse knowing that Hunter is also reading this.
ME:I’d rather eat dirt.
HARPER:Whatever, liar.
HARPER:Have fun with your future hubby. Kisses!