Page 23 of Fighting Fate
I roll my eyes, tossing my phone onto the bed next to me.
I can’t believe that this is my life. How embarrassing.
There is a knock on the door. “Come on, future wifey. Breakfast is ready.”
Hunter Duran is the bane of my existence.
Still, my heart races when he calls me ‘future wifey.’ The girl who marries him is going to be one lucky woman. Too bad it isn’t going to be me.
Monday, October 12
Pajama day.
Today is day one of Spirit Week at West Raven Academy. Normally, I would ignore such silliness, but Harper won’t let me. She’s forcing me to participate and even bought me a few outfits for the occasion.
Today’s Spirit Week theme is pajamas—a fact that I’m not upset about. At my old school, they always had pajama day too. I’m pretty sure that the theme was picked just so the teachers could wear pajamas to school.
Looking in the mirror at myself, I feel a little silly.
I put my hair into space buns this morning. I would never sleep with my hair like this, but it looks cute with my pajamas at least. My ‘pajamas’ are just a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt that I’ve tied up. I still wear my sneakers, like I always do.
When I come out of my room, I find Hunter in the kitchen. He’s wearing his school uniform and he’s leaned up against the island, eating a bowl of cereal. He looks up when he sees me, his eyebrow raising.
“You got a shower only to put back on your pajamas?”
“It seems silly when you put it like that.” I nod toward his bowl. “You realize we’re eating breakfast at school, right?”
It’s a much better breakfast than cereal—we get all the bacon we want.
“I’ll eat then too.” He shoves another bite in his mouth.
Of course he’ll eat again.
I swear, Hunter can eat anything he wants and never gain a pound. Though, to be fair, lately I have been losing weight despite the fact that I haven’t changed my diet. If anything, I’ve been eating more than usual. I think it’s all the intense workouts that Hunter has me doing.
“Where are your pajamas?” I slide onto the barstool beside Hunter.
“I don’t wear pajamas,” he says.
I raise an eyebrow. “You don’t wear pajamas? Everybody wears pajamas.”
Hunter smirks. “I sleep naked.”
My face grows warm and I look away. “Oh.”
He chuckles. “Trouble, you’re adorable, you know that?”
Yeah, that’s definitely not helping my warm cheeks.
“Especially with your hair like that.” He pokes at one of my buns. “You usually just wear your hair down, which I like too.”
I shrug. “I’m not good at being a girl, which I figured you knew after the whole shopping trip.”
He furrows his brows. “Yeah, I can’t say I’ve ever met a girl who doesn’t like shopping.”
“Have you had a lot of girlfriends?” I ask.
He fully turns his attention from his bowl toward me. “You’re asking me about my exes?”