Page 25 of Endless Whispers
“Rose, you and I chatted a bit at the gala,” Charlize began, her mind still wandering a bit to what else needed to happen. “I’m wondering if you can sum up for me how Angels of a New Day has impacted your life?”
Rose, aware of the high stakes of this conversation, plastered a forced smile on her face. She knew she had to play her part well and Charlize was relieved she seemed to be holding it together.
"Angels of a New Day has been an absolute lifeline for me. I don't know where I'd be without their support. Actually that’s not true..."
Brenda tensed up and her lips pursed as Rose explained.
“I do know where I would be. I was heading down a terrible path. I’d likely be dead. I couldn’t get myself together. Everything kept crashing down on me until they came around and finally gave me hope.”
Brenda watched Rose intently, her expression veiled but she had a ready-to-pounce posture.
Charlize continued, as she typed out some notes. She was trying hard to not look too interested. It was important work but if she came on too strong, Brenda might assume something was up. "That's great to hear," Charlize replied, her voice laden with false enthusiasm. "Could you share some specific ways they've helped you?"
Rose was an artist. The way she was crafting her answers made it clear why she’d been brought to the gala to be a shining example of success. She was quick. Confident. And she gave her answers without ever hinting at the dark truth. "Well, their unbelievable team provided me with a safe place to stay, away from a toxic environment. They've given me resources, therapy, and, most importantly, a sense of community and belonging. I can't thank Angels of a New Day enough for what they've done for me and my child."
Brenda nodded approvingly, seemingly content with Rose's responses. Her phone, placed face down on the table, vibrated with urgency, but she chose to ignore it for the moment. Charlize kept up the façade, asking a few more generic questions to maintain the appearance of a genuine conversation.
Then, as if on cue, Brenda's phone rang once more and she didn’t seem able to ignore it this time. Lifting it with an annoyed sigh, Brenda glanced at her phone, her brow furrowing in frustration.
"I'm so sorry," Brenda said, looking torn between the conversation and the pressing matter on her phone. "I have to take this call. It's something important."
Charlize maintained her composure. "Of course, Brenda. We'll wait here for you. We won't be much longer."
Brenda nodded, hastily rising from her chair. "Thank you, Charlize. Please, continue."
As Brenda rushed out of the room, Charlize seized the opportunity. She leaned toward Rose, her voice low and urgent. "Rose, we’re making incredible progress. Proof is building. Our case is getting stronger by the minute. But you know what we really need.”
Rose's eyes widened in alarm. "What do you mean? Brenda might be right back. We shouldn’t—"
Charlize glanced at the door to ensure they were truly alone. "The truth is, I orchestrated that call to Brenda. My people will have her distracted for a while with something urgent. I needed the time alone with you. We talked briefly at the gala, and you admitted that the organization is dangerous and cruel. I need you to go on the record, Rose. To speak to investigators and, if necessary, testify against Angels of a New Day. I understand I’m asking a lot of you, but it’s crucial."
Rose's eyes darted away and she snapped her head around to make sure Brenda was still gone. "Testify? Are you crazy? They have my child. They'll hurt him if I say anything."
Charlize leaned in closer, her voice laced with urgency. "Rose, we can protect you and your child. We're gathering evidence against them. If you testify, if you speak out, we can make sure they pay for what they've done. We can save everyone. All the children."
Tears welled up in Rose's eyes but she wiped them away. She couldn’t be caught crying in here if Brenda returned. "I want to believe you, but I'm scared. I've seen what they're capable of."
Charlize reached into her bag and retrieved a small recorder. She placed it on the table, her determination unwavering. "We have evidence, Rose. We're going to take them down, but we need your testimony. You can help ensure they never hurt anyone else."
Rose hesitated. "What do you want me to say?"
Charlize nodded, her voice steady. "Tell the truth, Rose. Explain everything you've seen and experienced. That’s all I need for now. Enough to get the right people to do the right thing.”
Rose finally nodded in agreement, her eyes falling on the recording device. "Okay I'll tell them everything but I am only one person. That won’t be enough."
“I got word today we’ve got a guard willing to go on record too. He’s seen it all. Wants it to stop. You won’t be the only one.”
“Harry?” Rose asked, her shoulders lifting as she leaned in urgently. “Is the guard Harry? Is that who you are talking with?”
“Yes.” Charlize would have normally been tighter lipped about the overall investigation, but she saw it as a good sign that even amongst the women involved, they found Harry to be a good choice for a witness.
“He’s lovely. He tries everything he can to make things easier for us. It doesn’t always work but he tries.”
“So you think we can trust him?” Charlize held her breath.
“I trust him.” Rose bit her lip and looked again at the recording device.
Charlize pressed the record button on the device and listened as the details spilled out of Rose. She couldn’t believe she was capturing every word of Rose's harrowing account. She described the horrors inflicted upon the women within the organization, the control they exerted, and the use of basements in some of the buildings for punishment and torture. The tactics were cruel but effective. The women were so beaten down emotionally that they would do whatever they were told.