Page 26 of Endless Whispers
Rose stopped to take a breath. They were making progress, but time was of the essence. Charlize knew they had to wrap up the conversation before Brenda returned. There was the sound of high heels on marble tile heading their way. She swiftly changed the topic of conversation, steering it back toward lighthearted jokes and small talk.
Moments later, Brenda reentered the room, looking frazzled and disoriented. She glanced at Rose and Charlize, seemingly torn between her phone call and the ongoing conversation.
"I'm so sorry for the interruption," Brenda said, her voice strained. "Apparently there was a small fire at one of our apartment buildings. But it was nothing. All the women and children are perfectly safe. Just some smoke alarms going off after a burnt lunch on the stove. That gave me a scare but turned out okay.” She had her hand on her heart as if she cared if anyone was hurt.
Charlize smiled politely. "Not a problem, Brenda. We were just finishing up. Rose is there anyone else you think we should talk to? I’d love to get another testimonial or two. Who else would be good for this?”
Rose stood and then paused, statue stiff. “I would say whoever Brenda thinks. I don’t really know.”
“You’re probably closer to any of the women. I’d really value your opinion.” Charlize felt terrible for the pressure she was putting on Rose. She was being squeezed in a vise right now and unfortunately Charlize was the one spinning it closed.
“Yes, Rose,” Brenda said gently, “who else do you think Charlize should speak with?”
“Maybe Sophia? She’s doing so well in her new job at the coffee shop. She talks all the time about how lucky she feels to have a place to live and stay healthy.”
“She does?” Brenda asked, trying to sound upbeat. “Then we’ll bring her in next. Thank you, Rose. Will you go down and wait in my office? Your ride should be here shortly.”
Rose walked out without another word and Brenda stood staring at Charlize. The air turned cold in the room. There was something shifting. Brenda wasn’t doing anything all that different, but Charlize could feel a change.
“Did you get what you wanted?” Brenda asked coolly.
The word wanted hung in the air. It felt loaded.
“I think we’re on the right track. We could be celebrating millions rolling in here soon. Can you even imagine?”
“Send me the link to the grant opportunity,” Brenda said as she turned away. “I’d like to review it myself.”
“I’ll email it now.” Charlize wasn’t worried. Carmen’s team was diligent. If they created this fake grant opportunity they’d have done enough to make sure it couldn’t be spotted as a fake. That wasn’t worrying, but the fact that Brenda suddenly wanted to see it was.
She could hear the ticking clock in the corner of her office as the room fell otherwise silent. It was a reminder. Like a bomb counting down. Things could blow at any moment.
Charlize paced back and forth across the living room, her heart pounding in her chest like a jackhammer. Mick was late. Only by a few minutes but he said he’d be there by now. She needed to talk to him. Not on the phone but in person. If she was going to tell him she’d screwed up, she wanted to look him in the eye.
She had done it again—rushed in without thinking, putting everything on the line. She knew the risks, but the pressure had been unbearable, and she had acted on instinct. Pulling Rose in on such short notice, pressing for another woman to come in and talk to her. It was too much too soon. Now, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had blown their cover. Brenda knew something was up.
Mick strolled in looking excited. It was as if he didn’t know the world might come crashing down on them any moment. She wanted to take his shoulders and shake them wildly. This was no time to be at ease.
But she didn’t need to shake him, he spotted something was wrong immediately upon seeing her. "What happened?" Mick asked gently, trying to break through the storm of anxiety swirling around her.
She stopped her pacing and turned to him, her eyes wide with panic. "Mick, I messed up. I pushed too hard with Brenda. She seemed suspicious, like she was onto something. What if she figures out we’re not who we say we are?"
Mick sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know you’re prone to moments of self-doubt, but I also know how incredibly resourceful and determined you are. I am sure you played your part perfectly today. And even if Brenda is suspicious, it doesn't mean the whole operation is compromised. Carmen always has us covered. And we have each other."
Charlize continued to pace, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "What if Rose and her child are in danger now? What if I just made things worse for them?"
Mick rounded the couch and intercepted her like a catcher wrangling a wild pitch from behind the plate. He gently took Charlize's hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. "We're doing everything we can to protect them, Charlize. But we can't control every outcome. We have to trust that Harry and Rose will do their part while we do ours."
“I’m the one who pushed Rose into giving a statement today.”
“She’s on the record?”
“I already made copies and sent digital files to Carmen.” At least that was something she could feel good about.
“Henry gave me everything he could as well. We only had an hour but we’re going to meet again tomorrow. This is good news. We’re finally getting somewhere. You know the heat gets turned up a little when we get close.”