Page 52 of Slicer
She nods, and Dagger leans forward, wiping her tears.
"I understand Amy has caught a brother, and the rest of the sweet butts think they'll get the same treatment, but darling, they won't, and you won't. Us men, we don't want a woman who sleeps with every brother; we want a woman who only wants us, like Mel only wanting me or Meghan only ever being with Slicer despite having five years apart. We need you to make them understand that with one more outburst from any of them, the sweet butts are out, and most of them need us because they have nowhere else to go. Just like you, we're their family too."
She nods, wiping her tears. "I'll speak to them; get them to see reason because Amy doesn't count; we all know this. She never wanted to fuck you lot; she just wanted the security after the shitty homelife she grew up with, and besides, we all saw the looks she used to give Buzz before he became a brother; they had a spark, and they're not fooling anyone trying to stay secret."
Both Dagger and I grin and nod our heads while she wipes her tears away again. "I want to speak to Meghan when she's ready; I need to explain myself and grovel."
I give her a smile and nod when my phone rings, my smile widening upon seeing Meghan's name, and I answer it.
"Hey Wildcat, I was just about to leave to pick up our girl. You fancy pizza for tea tonight?"
I hear her sniffle, and I'm instantly alert, making Dagger and Clitter sit up straight. I place my phone on loudspeaker in time for her to wail, bringing my whole world crashing down. "SHE'S GONE, SOMEONE TOOK HER FROM NURSERY, NOAH, MY BABY'S GONE."
Clitter gasps while Dagger is instantly on his phone booking an emergency church, and I swallow hard before I rasp, "OK baby, I need you to breathe for me, ok, breathe for me."
“I-I can't, I-I can't. my-my baby..."
I take a deep breath as Clitter tries to control her shocked sobs while Dagger is barking orders to the staff to close the place down for the night, telling Ruby to run over to the bar, closing it down too. "Yes, you can; I need you to get in your car and come to the clubhouse, Wildcat, now."
"But-but Lilah."
"I will find our daughter; do you hear me? I will find her and kill whoever took her. Get in your car and come to the clubhouse, baby. Now."
Her broken whisper comes through the speaker a minute later, breaking my heart: "Okay."
It's all she says, and my eyes tear up as she hangs up because, I know, I fucking know.
I look towards Dagger and say, "We need Flame now. If we don't find my little girl, then I lose her mother too."
He nods and squeezes my shoulder before Clitter side hugs me, wiping her tears. "I'll call Annalise; tell her to bring baked goods to the clubhouse; keep us updated, please, Slicer."
I give her a nod before rushing to my bike outside with Dagger right behind me, racing to the clubhouse.
Chapter 22
I grin as I walk out of my patient's room. A teenage girl who just had her appendix out and is completely out of it on pain meds is dishing out all her secrets to her fuming parents. Apparently, she took out her dad's boat last month and crashed it instead of it being stolen like he thought because his flight got delayed, missing their annual shopping trip, which meant she couldn't get the new purse that had come out, and she pawned her mother's family heirloom as payback for missing her recital because her sister had to have her tonsils out.
Man, is that spoilt girl in for a world of trouble?
I head to the nurse's desk and place her folder in the basket for the Doc as I've been told to call him from now on, before heading to my next patient's room. I must admit, I may want to specialize in OB, but I do love this rotation. I'm learning more than just my field, and it's absolutely amazing, especially when I get these kinds of cases.
Grinning, I go to open the door of the next patient when my phone vibrates, and I quickly take a look to ensure it's not the nursery, but I furrow my brows when I see it is indeed the nursery. I turn my head and see Doc, and I quickly flag him down; he furrows his brows, and I raise my phone, mouthing, 'the nursery' and he nods, heading to my next patient's room while I head into the staff room quickly and answer the phone.
"Hi, Ms. Campbell, I'm just calling because Emily stated that Lilah's grandparents picked her up an hour ago. Lilah didn't know who they were, and they weren't on the pickup list. Emily realized her mistake and just came to me about it."
My heart rate picks up. "You allowed my daughter to be taken without calling me first!"
She clears her throat. "Emily stated the familiarities with your parents...”
She sucks in a breath, “they-they were your parents, Emily said…”
I don't let her finish. "I don't give a shit what Emily said. My parents belong to a cult where they allow 42-year-old males to marry 4-year-olds. She should have called me instantly to confirm; that's what's in your contracts, but she didn't; it seems a bit fishy, don't you think?" She gasps, but I'm not done. "You better hope and pray I find my girl and she's not been harmed; otherwise, you can kiss your license goodbye!"