Page 53 of Slicer
I hang up seething, pain shooting through me.
Oh God, my parents have my daughter. Oh, please, no.
I quickly unlock my phone and bring up Noah's number.
He answers on the second ring.
Hearing his voice brings out my emotions, which I'm trying so hard to contain.
"Hey Wildcat, I was just about to leave to pick up our girl. You fancy pizza for tea tonight?"
I sniffle, trying to keep a hold of my emotions, but a wail escapes me, my breathing coming out fast as fear for my daughter grows.
I hear someone gasp as someone starts to shout in the background as he rasps, "OK, baby, I need you to breathe for me. Okay, breathe for me."
But I can't; someone took my baby; no, my parents took her. They stole her. My breathing comes out choppy.
"I can't, I-I can't. My-my baby..."
"Yes, you can. I need you to get in your car and come to the clubhouse, Wildcat, now."
He's trying to sound calm to get me to do what he's asking, but I can't; I need to follow her.
"But-but Lilah."
"I will find our daughter; do you hear me? I will find her and kill whoever took her. Get in your car and come to the clubhouse, baby. Now."
The clubhouse, where Noah's house is built; where his armory is, including the revolver he was teaching me to shoot with.
I know what I need to do, so I whisper one broken word, "OK," before I hang up.
I plop my phone in my pocket when the staffroom door opens and Doc rushes in. He wraps an arm around me before guiding me out of the room, towards the exit, where Mel is already waiting with tears running down her face. She places a kiss on my cheek, wrapping her arm where Doc's was while he rushes to his bike. Mel takes my keys before helping me into my crappy car, then drives us to the clubhouse. Cal opens the gates, worry-etching his features while Dagger, Axel, and my man stand near the front door of the clubhouse, arms crossed over their chests.
As soon as the car comes to a stop, Noah rushes to the passenger door while I just stare ahead, getting my bearings and my consciousness in order.
I have to do this; I have to, for Lilah.
They won't stop otherwise.
Noah rasps, but I don't speak; I can't. I need to get my head around what I'm willing to do for my girl, including going against my oath as a doctor.
Noah grips my hand and helps me out of the car, my body doing as instructed and working for me while my mind runs through everything to make sure I know what I'm about to do.
She has her daddy now, so she'll be safe and happy.
He guides me into the clubhouse, sitting me on one of the brown chairs near the back door.
They really need to lighten this place up. Full of dark browns everywhere, it's kind of depressing but also states, 'Man Cave.'
Noah moves my hair out of my face that's fallen out of the side bun I had it in. "We're going to go into church, baby, and look at the security footage. I’ll find out who took our girl; I'll bring her home, I promise."
I nod.
Now would have been the perfect time to let him know it was my parents, but I didn't speak; I just kept my mind clear, ready to finally fight them.