Page 91 of Meant for Her
“You weren’t bitter that our father didn’t leave you anything in hiswill?”
“No. Your dad promised that he’d take care of me when he could. And he’s kept that promise.”
Luke needed to sort through all of this.
“And you’ve not seen Mr. Lattimore since his faked death?”
“No, sir.”
The sheriff clicked off the recorder. “I’ll need to check on your story.”
“Of course, but I’m telling you the truth.”
The three of them left the room. “Come into my office,” the sheriff said.
“What are your thoughts?” the sheriff asked. “You know Pete and your dad better than anyone.”
Ryan was still numb from the news. “To be honest, it could have happened that way.”
“If your dad was shot, I’ll check to see where he went for medical care. That might tell us something.”
Yeah, that wouldn’t happen. “If it just grazed him, he’d heal on his own.” That was about the best Ryan could come up with.
“Sheriff, suppose you find my father. Then what? We know that Pete’s murder charge will be dropped.”
“True, but he didn’t report the crime. Fred Hogan, if that is who is in the grave, is dead.”
“What if it was self-defense?” Ryan asked.
“Your dad should have reported it.”
The sheriff wasn’t budging on that. Ryan hoped his father would remain hidden, wherever that was.
“Are you going to let Pete out on bail once you confirm that Dad is alive?” Luke asked.
“I’ll let the courts decide.”
That was all they could ask for. “Do you need us for anything else?”
“If you hear from your father, make sure he talks to me.”
Ryan almost laughed. His father own up to his mistakes? That would never happen. Neither said anything as they left the station. It was only when they both were back in the truck that Luke turned to him.
“I want to find Dad.”
Ryan hadn’t expected that. “Mason and possibly some friend of his are looking for him.”
“Maybe Mason will look harder now that we know Dad is alive.”
“Is it possible that Pete lied to get out of the murder charge? I mean, the body could still be Dad’s.”
Luke started the engine and backed out of the parking space, not responding until he was on the road. “It’s possible, but if Pete is still getting paid, it means Dad is alive, but I’ll try to keep an open mind.”
“I want to call Malia and tell her,” Ryan said.
“Invite her over. I’ll cook. I could use a distraction.”