Page 15 of Meant for Two
When they entered Blair’s place, Zane looked around. “Nice digs.”
She smiled briefly. “Thanks. Avery helped. She’s amazing with design.”
“I know.”
Blair nodded. “Can you get my phone out of my backpack? My wrist is giving me some trouble.”
“Sure.” He scrounged through her pack and found it. “Do you have an ace bandage by any chance?”
“When Avery gets here, I’ll head into town and pick up some supplies. I’ll have Jeff drive your car back. Do you have your keys?”
“Yes. In the front pouch of my backpack.”
Zane smiled. “Good. Now call your friend.”
Blair contacted Avery and had to convince her that while she wasn't seriously injured, Zane had insisted someone watch her. “You don’t have to stay the night.” She nodded. “Okay, fine, if you insist. Thank you.” Blair hung up. “I guess you heard that Avery will spend the night. She’ll drive me to work tomorrow so you don’t have to worry about my car.”
Zane handed her back her keys. “I’m still getting you some first aid supplies.”
“Thank you. When I get back on my feet, I’ll cook you a meal for saving me.”
That was the best offer he’d had in years. “I accept,” he said with a grin.
Jeff’s phone rang.It was Zane. “What’s up?”
“Blair was hurt.”
A surge of adrenaline shot through Jeff's heart. 'What happened? Is she all right?"
“Yes. She’s fine. Now. Kind of.” Zane explained how he’d been in his wolf form when he spotted Blair on one of the trails.
“What the hell was she doing in the woods?” Jeff asked.
“She wanted to figure out how anyone could traverse the area. And I believed her.”
“She doesn’t suspect wolves does she?” It was a crazy question, but maybe she’d learned about werewolves from someone.
“I don’t think so. She saw me, freaked, and ran. That’s when she tripped and fell. I shifted and rushed to her, but she didn’t connect the dots.”
“Where are you now?” Jeff asked.
“I’m at the pharmacy picking up some first aid supplies.”
“I’m calling Malia. If she’s not at work, maybe my cousin can check her out.” Malia was a nurse.
“That’s smart. Blair seems skittish around me, despite my heroic save.”
Jeff huffed out a laugh. “I’m sure when Blair can think clearly, she’ll realize how lucky she was that you were around. ”
“Let’s hope. I just pulled up to her house. Call Malia, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I need Blair’s address.”
Zane gave him the information, and Jeff jotted it down. “Thanks for letting me know about Blair.” Jeff hung up.