Page 16 of Meant for Two
As much as Jeff wanted to rush over to her place and yell at her for putting herself in danger, he understood that she was only trying to help. But damn it, she had no idea who, or rather what, these wolves were capable of.
Jeff didn’t mention it to Zane yet, but he’d had the chance to study the video from the cameras in the back of the house. Charlene said she saw nothing, but that was because her eyesight wasn’t as good as his. Werewolves were trained to see well at night. He caught the shapes of two wolves approaching the house. Because the owners hadn’t left any lights on, Jeff wasn’t able to identify any markings on the wolves.
They’d been smart. They must have noticed the cameras and kept out of view as much as possible. The sound of the window breaking was the only evidence they were the thieves. Unfortunately, they never spoke. They must have shifted—or at least one of them did—when they were under the camera since Jeff never saw a human form.
Frustration gnawed at him as he considered that werewolves were responsible for the break-in. It was a lead, but it still left him with a multitude of unanswered questions. Right now, though, he needed to see if Malia could check up on Blair. A concussion was nothing to ignore. At least Avery would be spending the night, which helped him feel better.
* * *
Zane had delivered not only a bandage for Blair’s wrist, but some butterfly bandages for the small cut on her forehead, some antiseptic cream, and a pain reliever. Blair didn’t need all of that, but she appreciated that Zane wanted to make sure she was okay.
Even though Avery claimed she could take care of Blair, Zane said he was trained. What that meant exactly, she didn’t know, but having his warm, confident hands work on her, lowered her anxiety.
She wanted to ask him to stay and chat more about the theft, but he’d already done enough for her. As soon as he left, Avery announced that she needed a glass of wine.
“I’ll have one too,” Blair said.
“Not on your life. Not with the concussion. Water only. Even Zane said that.”
“Come on. I need to chill.” Her protest came out weak. Zane did seem to know what he was doing.
Just as Avery returned from the kitchen with a glass of wine for herself and water for Blair, someone knocked on her door. “Are you expecting anyone?” Avery asked.
“No.” Dare she hope it was Jeff coming to see if she was okay? As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she dismissed it. He didn’t seem like the type to do something like that.
Avery checked the peephole. “It’s a woman.”
“See what she wants.”
Avery opened the door. “Yes?”
“Are you Blair Gibson?” the woman asked.
“No,” Avery said. She stepped to the side. “That’s Blair. And you are?”
She smiled. “I’m glad that you are being cautious. I’m Malia Granger, Jeff’s cousin. I’m a nurse, and he said there was a patient who needed to be checked out?”
“Oh. Jeff sent you. In that case, come on in,” Avery said with a bit too much glee.
Blair would have asked her in even if Drew had sent her, but she wished Avery hadn’t acted so excited that Jeff had been the one. To be honest, Blair was surprised he had thought of it. “That’s so nice of you to come, but as you can see, I’m fine.”
“Zane said you had a concussion, a sprained wrist, and a contusion on your temple. That’s not an ordinary thing. Would you mind if I checked you out? It would put the men’s mind at ease.”
If Blair were being honest, it would put her mind at ease too. “Sure, but I think Zane did a pretty good job of patching me up.”
“I bet he did, but let me check.”
For the next few minutes, Malia did a few tests on Blair’s concussion and then rewrapped her wrist. “You might want to wear a sling for a day or two to give it a rest.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“It will heal quicker,” Malia told her.
“She’ll wear it,” Avery said. “We work together.”
“Thanks, Avery,” Blair said.
Her friend smiled. “Any time.”