Page 27 of Meant for Two
"Let's do it," Ethan said.
The three of them scrambled down the hillside until they reached her car.
“We’re going to get you out, Blair,” Zane called to her.
When she nodded, relief washed through him. Jeff's focus turned laser-sharp as they all worked together to free her, their strong hands and determined efforts directed at prying open the door that had been mangled in the collision. The metal groaned in protest, but with the combined might of the three men and the leverage provided by the tools, the dented door gradually yielded, coming off its hinges with a loud pop.
“Oh, thank you!” Blair said, her voice trembling.
Jeff searched for any bleeding or obvious injury, but he didn’t see much. “Let’s get you out of there. We’ll have to lift you out. Let us know if it hurts too much.”
It wouldn’t take much effort on their part. Blair couldn’t weigh more than a hundred and ten pounds.
Carefully, he and Zane extracted her from the wreckage. Jeff's arms encircled her gently, his hands hopefully offering both support and assurance.
When he set her down, a rush of relief surged through him when she was able to stand on her own, though she wobbled slightly.
Her eyes were wide with a mix of shock and gratitude. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever get out alive.”
“I’m glad you had your phone,” Zane said.
“Me, too.”
Seeing her up close, disheveled and scared, ignited a storm of emotions within Jeff. He was angry that she was in this situation, and a strong need to protect her filled him.
"We're going to take you to the clinic to get you checked out," Jeff said, trying not to sound like she had no choice—which she didn’t.
“I’m fine. I just need a shower and a change of clothes.”
Zane stepped next to her. “Sorry to tell you this, but the request is not negotiable. If you check out okay, we’ll drive you home afterward. It’s not like you are in any shape to walk home.”
Blair chuckled and then winced. “Okay, fine. I know when I’m defeated.” She looked up the embankment. “Let me see if I can climb that hill.”
Most people couldn’t. The three of them had the advantage of being werewolves. Climbing and moving fast was in their blood. Before she could protest, Jeff swept her up in his arms and strode up the hill with ease. Her mouth fell open, acting as if she thought it was an impossible feat. At the top, he set her down next to Zane's car, thinking she'd feel more comfortable with his friend.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Jeff asked.
She explained that someone rammed her, sending her car down the embankment."
"What was the color of the car?" he asked.
"I don't know."
Zane stepped up. "Let's get Blair to the emergency room. You can quiz her later."
"Sure." He turned to his brother. “Can you tow Blair’s car to the garage? I imagine Uncle Adam will want to see if there is any paint residue from the other car on the door.”
“Of course. I’ll text you when it’s safe and sound.” Ethan turned to Blair. “Is there anything in the car that you need?”
She closed her eyes for a moment. “My purse. I need that. And my phone.”
“Be right back,” Ethan said. He jogged down the hill, acting as if he was on flat land. He had to climb into the car to retrieve her possessions. Seconds later, he sprinted up the hill and handed them to her.
“You did that so easily.” Blair’s brows pinched in confusion.
Ethan stilled. “I work out a lot.” He then cleared his throat. “It may take a while to pull the car out of the ditch. Like I said, I’ll call when I’m done.”
Jeff patted him on the back. “Appreciate you coming out so quickly.”