Page 36 of Meant for Two
Uncle Adam nodded. “I doubt Drew blames anyone. However, you might speak with him about assuring Blair that her job is secure.”
That was good advice. “I will. You know Zane and I are pretty good investigators, despite the lack of a certificate. Is there anything we can do to help out?”
His uncle dragged a hand down his chin. “I guess Noah and I could use another set of eyes.”
“Tell me what you need.” Jeff wanted to keep his mind off of Blair—at least for a day or two. And if he and Zane could figure out who was responsible for things, it might show Blair how much they cared for her.
Before his uncle answered, his cell rang. “Sheriff Granger,” he said with authority. “Okay. Blue. Got it.” Uncle Adam nodded and then scratched a few things on a piece of paper. “I’ll look for the report. Thanks.” He hung up. “That was the lab. The vehicle that hit Blair was a dark blue, as you probably heard me say. It came from an older vehicle, probably 2015 or earlier.”
“I guess that helps. We’ll keep an eye out for it. Let’s hope their car is dented as well.”
“He might have had it repaired already and possibly repainted," his uncle said.
Jeff was well aware of that fact too. “Zane and I will keep her as safe as we can. One of us will drive her to work, and she agreed to stay in my loft in exchange for helping me decorate the place.”
His uncle smiled. “That’s the way to use your noggin.”
“You never said who Zane and I should focus on.”
“Oh, right. Check out Jacob Crenshaw.” His uncle tapped his computer screen to find the information he was looking for. “I just sent you his address and some other information we have on him. Charles Weston said he isn’t a werewolf.”
"Mason told Zack that."
“Good. That fact doesn’t eliminate Crenshaw from the suspect list. It’s always possible he could have hired someone. However, if he didn’t have money for his son’s treatments, he might not have a lot of spare cash to hire someone for revenge. However, I can understand him wanting to steal money and jewelry to help his family through their time of need.”
"That's what I thought, but we'll check it out anyway."
Uncle Adam nodded. “Let me know what you find.”
“Will do.”
When Jeff left the sheriff’s department, he headed to the Development. While he was tempted to stop in and see how Blair was doing, he didn’t want to smother her with questions about her well-being, despite him needing to find out her father’s name. It would be best to leave that chore up to Zane.
It took Jeff a while to find his friend on the property. Thank goodness for telepathy. Zane was on the far side of the complex setting up more cameras along the perimeter.
Zane finished putting up one and then came over to Jeff. “What did your uncle say?”
“For starters, we need to find out Blair’s father’s name in case he was badmouthing Blair at any time. Uncle Adam plans to contact the warden in Midvale to see what kind of inmate her dad is.”
“We can stop over at her office now if you want.”
“Sure.” Though he'd have to work hard to keep his libido in check.
He helped Zane put away the gear, and then the two of them drove over to the model home. As soon as he stepped inside, Jeff’s body reacted to her presence.Damn.
Zane cleared his throat.“Think of the car accident. It’s what I do when my body goes crazy,”he telepathed.
Jeff’s eyes must have turned to gold.Damn.“Thanks.”
Here goes.
Blair was talking with someone—awoman—in another room of the model home when they walked in. When he and Zane entered the back room where she had her temporary office, both Blair and Avery were huddled over a large piece of paper that looked suspiciously like the drawing for his loft.
Blair looked up, her eyes wide. “I wasn’t expecting both of you. Did you come to tell me you found out who ran me off the road?”
Avery straightened. “Ah, Blair, I need to check on something in the living room.” She then hustled out of the room before Blair could respond. Jeff assumed she wanted to give the three of them some privacy. That was nice of her.