Page 35 of Meant for Two
“I know Zane asked Mason to look into John Gaines, but finding out about Blair’s dad is going to be more difficult,” his uncle said. “What are you trying to learn about him?”
“I wish I knew exactly. Short of having a snitch on the inside, I don’t know how we’re going to learn if her father was behind her accident.”
“I know the warden at the prison. I’ll give him a call. He might be able to shed some light on whether her dad has been bad-mouthing his daughter. Do you know his name? Gibson is a fairly common last name. I don’t want to ask about the wrong man.”
“Shit. No. I didn’t ask. Maybe Mason can do a little digging, or I can ask Blair directly.”
“If you’re uncomfortable doing that, I can see if the warden knows of a man named Gibson who killed his wife about, what? Fifteen years ago?”
He didn’t need his uncle to go to the trouble. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll call Zane and see if he can ask Blair. She responds to him better,” Jeff said.
“Good. Do that.”
This avenue didn’t seem likely to end in an arrest, but his uncle was a no-stone-unturned kind of lawman. “Let’s say, Blair’s father did set up the accident. I don’t know how we could pin it on him. Even if we could, he’s already in jail for murder,” Jeff said.
“True.” His uncle leaned back in his chair. “Just so you know, Ethan took a sample of the paint from the vehicle that hit Blair’s car, and I sent it into the lab to be evaluated. Unless you find the vehicle that hit her so we can compare the paint, we might never know who did it.”
Jeff was afraid of that. “I want to believe it was an accident, but my gut says no.”
“What reason do you have for thinking she’s the target?” Uncle Adam asked.
“Just that neither her ex-boyfriend nor her dad is happy with her.”
“I see. Your father thinks Phil DePaul might have been responsible for the theft, but if he was the one behind it, I don’t see a connection to Blair.”
Jeff hoped Blair wasn’t the target. “Me neither. It’s also possible that the theft was an attack against the Hensleys and not against Dad.”
“I have my eye on the Hensley angle. You do know, this isn’t the first crime committed in Wildwood.”
Jeff smiled. “I know. I also realize you are the best sheriff this town has ever had, but I want Blair to be safe.”
His uncle leaned forward on his elbows. “Not that it’s any of my business, but is there something going on between you and Blair? I’ve not seen you this invested in any case before.”
The truth would come out sooner or later. “Blair is my mate.”
His uncle’s smile filled his face. “Well, I'll be damned. I was wondering if you’d ever find her.”
Jeff hadn’t been too concerned. He wanted to get his business up and running before he found a mate—not that anyone could decide when she came into their life. A mate just happened. “Strange as it sounds, she’s Zane’s mate, too.”
“That's even better. Does Blair know?”
While it sounded as if he was asking if Blair knew she was meant for the two of them, his uncle was really asking whether she was aware they were werewolves. “Not that we’re werewolves, which means she is unaware we are her mates. Hell, we haven’t had a chance to take her out on a first day yet!”
“I see your point. Does she seem interested in you both?” his uncle asked.
“She likes Zane, but we’ve had our differences. However, after the accident, she seems to be warming to me.”
“Having your mate like you is a first step.” Uncle Adam seemed to be working hard not to smile.
“Any suggestions on how to proceed?” Jeff asked.
“With the case or with Blair?”
He could use help in both directions, but Blair was at the forefront of his mind right now. “With Blair.”
“She’s been through a lot. Having a theft at your dad’s Development will most likely impact sales, which might impact Blair. She might believe that your dad will think less highly of her if sales fall.”
“Dad would never do that. In fact, he probably blames our security system more than anything.”