Page 34 of Meant for Two
Walkingup the stairs that lined the warehouse's east wall, Blair couldn't help but feel a sense of security wash over her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about these two men made her feel remarkably safe.
At the entrance to his loft, Jeff reached around Blair to open the door and then flipped on the lights.Wow. The ceiling lights cast a warm glow over the spacious area.
The room was vast, and Blair’s imagination immediately began to paint pictures of where she could arrange the furniture she'd suggest he buy. Tarps covered what seemed to be the sofa and two chairs, but even through the protective coverings, the potential of the space shone through brilliantly.
"What do you think?" Jeff inquired, his tone a bit tentative. It was as if he really wanted her to like the space he’d created.
Zane cleared his throat. "Give her a break, man. Blair's tired and needs to rest."
She faced both men and smiled. "Zane's right. I am tired, although I'm not entirely certain I'll be able to sleep. This place has incredible potential, and I can’t wait to get started.” Energy surged through her at the prospect of creating something from scratch. “Are you thinking of decorating it like a classic man cave, with black leather sofas, a pool table, and a bar? Or perhaps something more understated?"
"What you and Avery did in the model home is exactly what I'm looking for,” Jeff said.
Blair raised an eyebrow, momentarily puzzled, not sure if he was being honest or not. The model home was designed for a couple or a family, not for a single, eligible bachelor. "How about I sketch out some design ideas, and you can take your pick?"
“Perfect.” When Jeff smiled—something she’d rarely witnessed—her insides melted. The man was stunningly handsome.
"Alright, folks," Zane interjected, his tone hinting at their need to allow Blair some well-deserved rest. “Show Blair to her room so she can unwind."
"Sure," Jeff said. "I'll take you shopping tomorrow after work so you can buy some food and anything else you might need. I just installed the appliances this morning and haven’t had a chance to stock the fridge or the cabinets with much. As you can see, I didn't get a chance to clean up either.”
"That's okay. I can live without food for the night. I did just eat half a pizza.” The accident must have ramped up her appetite.
"I turned on the water, and I have two bottles of water and a six-pack of beer in the fridge. Help yourself." He stilled for a moment. “On second thought, if you are on pain pills, the beer might not be a wise choice.”
He was cute to be so concerned, but she understood the effect of mixing alcohol with pills. She’d seen the consequences firsthand with her mom. “Thank you."
Jeff showed her to the bedroom. Surprisingly, the bed was made. She expected just a bed frame and mattress. “Have you slept here?"
"I did one night when I was running late. There's an extra set of sheets in the closet. I can change the linens if you like."
He must think she was really fragile. "I'm good. Thank you. I just want to sleep."
"Of course. Lock the front door as soon as we leave. When Zane and I come into work, I'll call to see if you're up. Even though I don't think anyone could break in here, to be safe, stay in the loft."
His recent considerate nature impressed her. “I will."
Jeff left the bedroom. A moment later, the front door opened and then clicked close, indicating the two men had gone downstairs.
As much as her body begged her to rest, she wanted to explore a little. When Blair walked into the master bathroom, she groaned at the potential. For starters the space was huge. The large shower had two rainshower heads, along with a handheld device. The bench seat was a nice touch. But it was the jetted tub that sat in an alcove that drew her.
In her mind’s eye, she created a luxurious retreat that would be a sanctuary for indulgence and relaxation. Not that Jeff would want something like that, but someday he might marry, and his wife might appreciate it. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to give him two designs—one that she would love and one a man might like. Come to think of it, she was surprised a man would install a jetted tub.
Blair sighed. A bathroom as grand as this should feature a soft, muted color palette with shades of pearl, ivory, and a hint of champagne gold. Since his tiled floor was already installed, she’d keep it the same. But oh, what a chandelier above the tub could do for the ambiance. If she lived here, she’d spend the day soaking in the tub drinking a glass of wine and listening to soft piped-in music.
“Stop being ridiculous, Blair. A man as strong and masculine as Jeff wouldn’t want such a feminine bathroom.”
Disgusted where her mind had wandered, she returned to the main area. On one side of the room was a large glass wall that led to a small terrace. Tomorrow, she’d explore that area. For now, she needed to heal.
* * *
Since Jeff wanted to speak with his Uncle Adam at the sheriff’s department in town, he’d asked if Zane could head to the Development and come up with ways to install better security around the perimeter.
It only made sense that Zane should drive Blair to work this morning. If Jeff had volunteered, it would mess with his head. While he was willing to admit that Blair was his mate, he’d been warned that werewolves had a harder time than regular humans functioning around their mate, and Jeff could attest to that.
The urge to protect Blair seemed to disrupt his ability to think clearly. Short of hiring a full-time bodyguard for her, he wasn’t sure what else to do. He and Zane had finally decided that smothering her would be bad since Ms. Independent might rebel.
Driving her to and from work and having her stay in the loft at night should keep her safe. Hopefully, those two things would endear her to them and not upset her.