Page 55 of Meant for Two
Her friend nodded. “I get it. Off the topic of sex, did the men learn anything new about the accident?”
“Not much other than the fact my father was in a fight with someone in jail and scratched the man’s eye out. Is it possible this injured man will want retaliation? Maybe.”
Avery pressed her lips together. “If someone had hurt me badly, I’d ask my fellow inmates to hurt your dad—not you.”
That made sense. “You’re probably right.” Blair placed her hands on her desk. “We need to let the sheriff do his job, and we’ll do ours. I have enough to worry about here. I can’t be trying to solve this case when most likely the accident was just that—an accident.”
“You’re right. The robbery was just someone taking advantage of a homeowner being out of town, and your accident was some drunk who couldn’t handle his car.”
Blair liked that logic. “Let's hope. So tell me where we are with the Ranchero model home.”
For the next two hours, they went over what else was needed to complete the home. They then worked on writing up a listing for the home.
Blair stilled.
“Are you okay?” Avery asked.
Blair grinned. “They’re here.”
“I didn’t hear the door open.”
“I didn’t either, but it’s like I can sense when they are near.”
A second later, the front door opened. “Hello?” called a wonderfully deep voice.
Avery scrunched her brows. “Did you hear their car or truck drive up?”
She had to think about it. “No. It was strange. It was like my body vibrated or something.”
Avery laughed. “Oh, my. You are so hooked on them.”
Before they could continue that conversation, Jeff and Zane came in wearing different clothes from this morning. They were also carrying a couple of bags of what smelled like food. “Hello, you two.”
“I’ll leave you three. I have a lot of work to do,” Avery said.
That wasn’t entirely true, but Blair appreciated being able to have some alone time with the men. “How did securing the perimeter go?” she asked.
“It will cost way too much to put cameras everywhere, so we put up what we have and called it a day. We hooked up the cameras the feed in the guardhouse that will be relayed back to our office.”
“That sounds good.”
Jeff nodded. “It is.”
“We aren’t done though,” Zane said. “We plan to bury some pressure plates that will go under the surface of the ground that we’ll connect to the alarm system. If an intruder steps on it, the guard will be alerted that there is an intruder. He can contact the roaming guard with the location.”
“That sounds amazing,” she said. “I just hope the plate is wide enough to catch someone. Some people take big steps.”
“We’ve allotted for that,” Zane told her.
“What if a squirrel steps on it? Or heaven forbid a wolf. Will that set off the alarm?”
“We’ll put a minimum weight on it, but a wolf can weigh as much as a man.”
"I had no idea." That made her feel better. “Could you write up what security measures you’ve taken to make this community safe? I’d love to put that information in the brochures.”
“We’ll be happy too,” Jeff said.
Zane waved the bags of food. “I’ve noticed that you seem to work through lunch, so we brought you something to eat. We also picked up an extra sandwich for Avery. I’ll give it to her now.”