Page 72 of Meant for Two
She shrugged. “No idea, and I don’t think it would be a good idea to ask him either.”
“Absolutely not. You need to stay away from him,” her uncle warned.
“Not to throw a wrench in this theory,” Zane said, “but if Daryl was aware that the Hensleys were poor, why pose as an insurance agent? What about them would imply that robbing them would be a good idea? Assuming Daryl was involved in the theft, that is.” No one answered.
“I guess there is no way to take a peek into the Hensleys’ bank account, is there?” Jeff asked.
“Not without cause,” Adam said.
“I’m confused,” Blair said. “How could the Hensleys afford to buy a house in Woodland Estates? The home they bought cost a half million dollars.”
Jeff shrugged. “The man worked for a bank, remember? Maybe he fudged a few numbers. I don’t know anything about the ins and outs of the banking industry, but maybe he just issued a mortgage to himself.”
“What are you suggesting?” Adam asked. “That the Hensleys are involved in this mess somehow?”
“If they are, it would only be Mr. Hensley, I imagine. Mrs. Hensley is most likely unaware of what's going on since she suffers from Alzheimer’s,” Malia said.
The sheriff nodded. “Mason is going to follow Daryl and see where he goes. His associate will continue the surveillance on John Gaines.”
“My cousin finally hired someone? I know it didn’t work out the last time. I hope this guy does,” Jeff said.
“Me too. I realize that I keep my son way too busy doing my job, but we are short-staffed. I’ll call the warden and ask him if Daryl has visited Mike in prison. They might be working on some kind of insurance scam,” Adam said.
“Do you think any of this is tied to me somehow?” Blair asked. “My father poked Mike’s eye out. Considering he’s a werewolf, he probably used his claw, right?”
All three men nodded.
Zane turned toward her. Her anxiety level seemed to be elevated enough. “We don’t know if your car accident had anything to do with your dad if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Then who? John Gaines?” she asked. “Or that man who is upset with Jeff’s dad?”
He wished he had an answer. “Phil DePaul, who happens to be a werewolf too. While he is probably too old to be traversing the forest, he has enough connections to hire a few guys. However, Adam reported that the man was out of town during the first incident. As for your accident, I’m not sure he has a motive to hurt you.”
“Zane,” Jeff said. “Dad relies on Blair to sell the homes. Without her, his business would suffer.”
“That’s true.”
“I think he’s a likely suspect,” she said.” It would make sense that he’d want to destroy the model home. It would hurt Jeff’s dad’s business. The catalyst for hurting me might have been when he realized I survived the crash. He might be working two angles. Keep me from working as well as rob or destroy the Woodland Estates' homes. ”
“That has merit.” Zane didn’t want to think along those lines though. “Just know that Jeff and I will do everything possible to keep you safe.”
“I know. Thank you.” She squeezed his hand, and her touch ignited every protective cell in his body.
“It’s getting late,” Adam said. “Remember, there is the homeowners’ meeting at seven tomorrow night. I’ll be keeping my eye out on who shows up.”
“Are you talking about the Hensleys?” Blair asked.
“For starters, I’ll call Drew and see if he knows anything about their finances,” Adam said. “Your assignment for the next twenty-four hours is to think about our suspects. There might be someone or something we’ve overlooked.”
The four of them stood. “Uncle Adam, call if there’s something you think I can do,” Malia said.
“I will.”
When they all went outside, Zane walked with Jeff and Blair to his car. During the meeting, Jeff had telepathed that Blair had asked to stay with Avery for the time being in order to think about them being werewolves, but that he'd convinced her otherwise.
When they reached the truck, Zane placed a hand on her arm. “I know you’re upset about us beingdifferent, but is there any way you could be upsetafterthis mess is over? I know that’s a big ask, but Jeff and I will not leave your side no matter where you stay. If that means we sleep outside by Avery’s place then so be it. I just hope no one spots us and decides it’s open season for wolves.”
He had laid it on a little thick, but as a werewolf herself, she would come around. Zane understood that Blair would be miserable being away from them—even for one night.