Page 86 of One Time Player
“Thanks,” he groans. Then he is being carted off. I head back out to the arena to find Skylar. She obviously agrees to have Sydney for a sleepover.
“Crew has a trundle in his room. They are going to have so much fun,” she says. “But I hope Connor is going to be okay.”
“Me too,” I reply.
After the game the guys’ spirits are low. We lost the game two to three but that isn’t what has them down. Everyone is worried about Connor.
Evan comes over to me and apologizes he can’t meet up with me because he needs to go to the hospital.
“I’ll come with you,” I offer. “I want to assure Connor his daughter is good.”
“Thanks,” Evan says.
He heads into the locker room to shower and change. Some of the guys are being interviewed and I head back to my office to finish up some paperwork.
I yawn. I feel so drained. I should just go home and sleep, but I feel terrible for Connor. He seems so alone and worried.
Evan texts me he’s ready and I go to meet him outside the locker rooms. He’s wearing a pair of joggers and a sweater with a black puffer jacket and beanie. “You ready to head out?” he asks.
I nod.
We walk out, keeping a few feet distance between us. When we get outside a gust of cold air makes my body shiver and I yawn again.
“You should go home and rest,” he suggests to me. “You must be exhausted.”
“I am but I’m worried about Connor. He’s alone and . . .”
“Patty.” Evan gives me a warm grin. The way he looks at me with such adoration is unnerving. “You have more than yourself to think about. I know we need to talk, but let me check in with Connor. I’ll message you and if you’re still awake I’ll stop by, but if you aren’t that’s okay too because we have tomorrow.” He grins and it’s so damn sexy.
“We have to be on the bus by noon,” I remind him.
“Right, well, I would still rather you go soak in a tub, rest, whatever you need to do to take care of you,” he advises.
“I know you’re right,” I reply. “Tell Connor I’m thinking of him and I said that Sydney was super excited about having a sleepover with Crew.”
“I’ll make sure he gets the message,” he assures.
He looks over his shoulder because obviously it’s important that no one thinks we are anything more than friends.
“I’ll walk you to your car,” he offers.
I allow him to walk me. “We’ll be in touch,” he says. Our gazes lock as many unsaid emotions pass through both of our gazes.
“Okay. Have a good night.” I get in my car and drive off. I can’t believe I blurted the news to him that way. I feel crazy. At least he didn’t run. That’s a good thing, right?
My head is spinning. Patty is having my baby. I feel spacey as I make my way over to the hospital. Lately, all I could think about was missing her. She pulled away from me. Spent most of her time at work, and all I wanted was to be close to her. She made that feat almost impossible. Now it all makes sense. Her looking tired and not feeling well. A part of me worried maybe she still wanted Andrew or they may have been in touch after Chicago, but that wasn’t the case. She. Is. PREGNANT. I’m going to be a father. It’s not something I ever thought about deeply. Yes, I want to settle down at some point and have kids, but given my relationship status it seemed like a goal that was for the future, not now.
Patty looked terrified as she told me she was pregnant. Almost like she expected me to run, but I’m not running. I grip my steering wheel tight as I think of my own father. Parenting was never his thing. I want to be completely different than him. I want to show my child love and support. I pull into the hospital and head inside. They said Connor was still in a room in the ER.
“I’m looking for Connor Donaldson,” I say to the nurse.
“Are you family?” she asks.
Damn, I don’t like lying. “I’m his brother. Our mom is worried sick.”