Page 87 of One Time Player
The nurse nods. “He’s in the blue zone, room eleven. Just follow the blue arrows.”
“Thanks.” I take off following the blue arrows and spot Coach Cowan outside a room, speaking with a doctor. I nod to them and walk into the room.
“Hey, bro,” I say to Connor.
Liam is here so I fist bump him.
“Hi,” Connor responds. He looks pale and worried.
“Got an avulsion fracture in my hip. Sounds worse than it is, but I’m going to be on crutches and will need therapy afterword. Could take months, which means I’m out of the playoffs if we make it.”
“Damn, bro, sorry to hear.” I blow out a breath.
“I’m so screwed. How am I supposed to take care of my daughter if I can’t do anything for myself?” Connor says. “I literally have no one. And what if I get traded?”
“Shit. Listen, you aren’t alone. Patty wanted me to mention Sydney was super happy to be having a sleepover with Crew.”
“See, bro, I told you. We may be family one day, if those two end up getting married.” Liam smacks his chest.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Connor says dryly. “It’s reassuring to know she’s with Skylar. She really likes her.”
“She’s in good hands,” Liam confirms.
“Is there anything you need? Anything I can get you?” I ask Connor.
“A nanny,” he deadpans.
“Okay, anything but that. I wouldn’t know where to start looking. I don’t really have any experience with kids,” I say, and the words hit home.Damn.I better start learning fast. Patty said I have six months.
“I can ask Sky to look into one,” Liam offers. “We sometimes have some help with Crew. Between me working all the time and Sky back in school.”
“Thanks,” Connor says.
I hang with the guys a little longer. The doctor comes in and I step out to give Connor privacy. Liam follows. I want to blurt this crazy news to him. I’m going to be a dad. I feel elated and like I’m going to shit myself all in one shot, and that’s only because I don’t want to fail Patty or the baby.
Where does that leave us?
I can’t tell him. This whole situation is a big fucking mess. I broke the team’s non-fraternization policy. If someone finds out, I’m screwed. The media will get hold of it. The team will trade me, and Patty will probably lose her job. I want to be upset, but something inside me feels content knowing Patty Sanders is carrying my child. I want to pound my arms on my chest and claim what’s mine like a gorilla.
“You okay?” Liam asks.
I realize I went inside my head. I blink. “Sorry, bro, just thinking on things.”
“Tough break for Connor. I really feel for the dude,” Liam says.
“Yeah,” I agree. It’s always hard when you see a teammate get hurt. You always think how easily it could be you in that situation, and he’s a single father.
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell Liam about the baby, but I don’t want to put my friend in an awkward situation of keeping the secret. The fewer people know, the better. Besides, I need to find out what the deal is with Patty. I can’t assume she’ll want a relationship with me with everything that’s riding on the line. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Coach will get hit with the fallout too because he knew I went with her to the wedding, even if we were only friends at that point. Who am I kidding? We weren’t friends. The sexual chemistry between us was threatening to bubble over and we turned up the heat anyway.
“Have a good night,” Liam bids as he heads toward his car.
“You too, bro,” I reply as I head to mine.
I’m driving for a good ten minutes when I get a red light. I send Patty a quick text.
Me:Are you awake?