Page 63 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“It’s not Louie’s style. He likes to freak people out.”
“But how would he know I’d tell you any of this? That’s a big gamble, and for someone as malicious and vindictive as him, I don’t think he’d leave things up to chance.” When Reid was in the shower, she descended into an internet research rabbit hole and learned everything there was to know about Screwy Louie. And while there were some similarities to Louie’s style, that did not mean someone else wasn’t copying it.
She held her hand up. “I think your past is skewing your perception on this.”
“Regardless. There is still a threat out there. Still someone who has made it known they want to see you hurt. Louie or not, you’re still in danger. I can’t just let you walk around like you’re not. That’s how my mo—” He stopped himself, but Allison knew what he was going to say.
She cupped his cheeks, and it was as if she was staring at that nine-year-old boy who lost his mom all those years ago. “Saving me won’t bring your mom back.”
Reid turned from her. “You think I don’t know that?” He inhaled and let it out slowly. “I can’t watch another woman I care about…”
His words trailed off, but she didn’t need them. She knew exactly what he was going to say. Without thinking, she threw her arms around him, pulling him close and kissing his neck. “You won’t.” It was an impossibility to know for sure, but there was no way the universe was finally going to bring them together to only tear them apart. At least she hoped…
She had no idea how long they stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms. Not once did she think about the people who might see them. As far as she was concerned, she and Reid were happening, and there was no use in trying to hide it at this point. So if one of the members of the gossip mill saw them, they were just saving them time with getting the word out.
He pulled back and kissed her nose.
She smiled. “You know. I never asked you. Why Willow Cove?”
“I got in my car and started driving. I wanted to go away from any big cities and out of Mass. I always loved the water, so I stuck to the coast. Stumbled upon this place. Drove right by the police station while driving in and decided to stop and see if they were hiring. I knew it was a long shot, but I had nothing to lose. I was shocked as shit when Simons told me there was an opening. I didn’t think I’d stay long. A year, maybe two, before moving to the next place. I just assumed I’d always be on the run. But this place. The town has become my family. At first, I tried to keep to myself, keep a low profile, just do my job and survive, you know?”
Allison smiled. “Not in this town.”
“I learned that pretty quickly. Little by little, the people in this town started pushing through those walls I had erected, and I finally said fuck it.” He shrugged. “They’re all good people here. I picked the right place to disappear.”
“Did you ever wonder if the town picked you?”
He laughed and rubbed at his chin. “I never looked at it like that. Maybe. Which is why I can’t let anything happen.”
“Try to stay positive,” she said, giving him a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later.”
She went to get out of the car, and his hand wrapped around her wrist. “Be careful.”
“I will.”
“I’ll come find you when I’m done here.”
“Take your time.”
With a nod, they parted and got out of the car. Allison headed toward the festival while Reid made his way behind the scenes. She waited until he was out of sight and detoured. Until this bastard was caught, she couldn’t live her life and Reid couldn’t find peace. It was time she drew the asshole out.
Slipping her phone from her bag, she tapped into her social media. Her notifications lit up her phone. Ever since the creep mentioned her routine, she hadn’t posted. Her fans were wondering where she was and if she was okay. Now was the time to let them know.
She held the phone up and hit record.
“It’s been a minute since I’ve come on, and I just want you all to know that I am okay. I’ve just been busy with work and life. But big news. I am up for an award on my story about online bullying! I am so excited and can’t wait for the ceremony. I will, of course, bring you along every step of the way. In the meantime, I am at the Lobster festival today and hope you will come out and say hi. I’m doing a little behind the scenes, away from the crowds.” She turned the camera to the desolate area she was in, showing the festival in the distance and the water to her left. “Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Be safe.” She posted the video and, with a deep breath, made her way into the festival.
If all went according to her plan, the asshole would show up, and she could finally take him down.
Reid checked in with all his deputies and made sure everything was running smoothly. Safety was his number one concern, and he’d do everything in his power to make sure the event went off without a hitch.
He was about to head into the festival and find Allison when he heard her name behind him. He turned, but she wasn’t there. Judy held her phone with a smile on her face.
“What’s that?” Reid asked, nodding to the phone.