Page 64 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“Oh, just Allison Winters. I watch her stories all the time. She hasn’t posted in a while.”
“Let me see that.” He held his hand out, and Judy handed him the phone. She leaned over and started the video from the beginning, and Reid watched as Allison spoke, then scanned the phone around her surroundings. What the hell was she doing? Had she not learned anything from the last threat? This bastard was tracking her, most likely through her social accounts, and now he knew exactly how to snag her.
The camera came back to her, and she stared into the screen. He knew her long enough to decipher her looks, and this one was very much a come get me glare. With a quirk of her lips, she winked and the video ended.
“What the hell is your game, Allison?”
“Excuse me, boss?” Judy asked, and Reid shook his head.
“Nothing. Can you tell when she posted this?”
“Yup. Just pointed to the top at a tiny number. Looks like an hour ago.”
He shoved Judy’s phone back at her, mumbled a thanks, and took off. An hour was more than enough time for the culprit to see that post and show up. Hell, it was enough time for the asshole to have already taken her.
He slid out his phone and called her. By the second ring, he went to voicemail.
Son of a bitch!
He broke into a jog, hurrying through the crowd and ignoring the hellos and waves directed at him. He needed to find Allison and make sure she was okay. A fresh wave of fear slammed into him. Visions of his mom lifeless on the sidewalk flashed in his mind.
His heart battered his chest as he scanned the festival, trying to find Allison through the crowds of people. It had been an hour since she posted that video. What if Louie had already showed up and snatched her? What if he was too late? What if he let another woman he loved die?
Allison had mentioned fried Oreo’s but neither she nor anyone from her family were in line. Where else would they go? There were food trucks throughout, tables for local businesses everywhere, and even a small carnival of rides and games at the far end of the field.
A booming voice echoed across the space, announcing the start of the boat parade. Reid changed direction and followed the crowd toward the water before stopping.
“Hello, Sheriff!” Martha’s voice rose above the surrounding chatter. She waved, her bangles sliding up her arm while her other arm was securely wrapped around Joe’s.
He gave a nod and mustered up a smile.
“Coming to see the boats?” she asked.
“In a bit. I have something to do first. Have you seen Allison, by chance?”
Martha’s eyebrows rose and her head tilted. “Looking to meet up for some more private time?”
“Excuse me?”
Martha swatted her hand. “No use hiding it. Mary saw you two being mighty comfortable in your car earlier, and I just have to say it’s about damn time.”
That was something he’d have to deal with later. Right now, Allison’s safety was the only thing that mattered.
If Allison posted that video to draw the bastard out, she wouldn’t be with the crowd. No. She would be far away from everyone.
“Got to go.” He turned directions, Martha’s laugh fading as he jogged away from the crowd, heading straight toward Martha’s booth.
Allison hadn’t scanned the water. She was scanning the booth at the far end of the festival where, at the moment, there was little to no foot traffic. He got to Martha’s booth, but he didn’t see her.
He spun around, scanning the area, searching every nook for her dark hair and whisky-colored eyes.
“Allison!” he barked around the rising panic.
His hands shook as every worst-case scenario played out in his mind. He looked around the area again, hoping he missed her. Hoping like hell he was overreacting, but with each second that passed, he couldn’t ignore the very possibility that she got exactly what she wanted.
He swallowed his nerves and took a deep breath. She was here, she had to be. He spun around and came to a halt. Allison stood in front of him with a smile on her face.