Page 5 of Beau's Beloved
She wiped her tear-filled eyes on my shirt. “I don’t know what to do. I’m struggling with believing this is real.”
“What do you suppose would make it seem more so?”
Sam dropped her arms, took a step away, and shrugged. “I don’t have any idea.”
“Hmm, what day is it?”
“Of the week or the date?” she asked, grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose.
“Um, either.”
“We’ll have breakfast, then ring them,” I suggested.
“And say what?”
“We’ll ask for a conference.” When Sam shook her head, I shook mine too. “I don’t understand. What are you saying no to? Breakfast? Please. I’m famished.”
“No conference. We’ll just tell them I’m not interested.”
“I’m too hungry to argue with you. Once I’ve eaten, I’ll convince you to do this. However, at this moment, I simply don’t have the energy.”
Sam huffed and walked the ten or so paces it took to get from her kitchen to the apartment’s door. She pulled it open and waved me through it.
“Am I leaving?”
“I thought you wanted breakfast.”
“I do, but only if you’re coming with me.”
She followed me outside and down the steps to my parked car, muttering something I couldn’t understand.
“What was that?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder.
“There isn’t enough coffee in the world to get through Beau-in-the-morning.”
I wiggled my eyebrows. “I can name at least a dozen women who would strongly disagree with you.”
As she so often did, Sam rolled her eyes.
Never in my life had I seen anyone who could consume more food in one sitting than Beau Barrett. Especially when it came to breakfast.
“Are you headed into hibernation?” I said as he shoveled another helping of pancakes into his mouth.
“Sorry, what?”
“Hibernation. Bears have a feeding frenzy in the weeks leading up to it. They eat something like twenty thousand calories a day.”
He wiped his mouth and studied me. “What are you going on about?”
“It’s called hyperphagia.”
I wasn’t sure, but his eyes may have rolled back in his head. “Whatis?”