Page 6 of Beau's Beloved
“How much bears—and you, evidently—eat.”
“I’m lost.”
“Per usual,” I mumbled.
When Beau didn’t toss a pithy remark back at me, I looked up at him. He, on the other hand, was staring at something over my head.
“What are you looking at?”
“Nothing. Finish your breakfast,” he said barely above a whisper.
When I turned to look, he grabbed my hand. “Keep your eyes on me.”
“For God’s sake, Beau, who is it?”
“Not who. What.”
“Then,what?” I was practically screeching.
“You’re such a jerk,” I muttered, albeit with a smile.
After we finished eatingand returned to my apartment, we placed a call to the law office that couriered the documents. Unfortunately, the attorney handling the case wasn’t there and wouldn’t be all week.
“Are you sure I can’t tell them I’m not interested?” I asked.
Beau took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I appreciated he wasn’t being flippant about this like he so often was. “If significant wealth wasn’t involved, I would suggest that as an option. As it is, your worst-case scenario, as I see it, is selling once the property, etc., is in your name.”
“That feels opportunistic.”
Again, he took his time responding. “That might be true if you’d sought this out. You didn’t. This woman—Cena—left all her worldly belongings to you for a reason. I’d say you owe it to yourself, and her, to figure out why.” He sat back and rubbed his stomach.
“Please tell me you’re not hungry again.”
He laughed and looked at his watch. “I’m good for at least another hour or two. And…don’t roll your eyes. Never mind, too late.”
He was right; I had done exactly what he told me not to.
Beau reached forward and put his hand on my shoulder. His fingers kneaded the tightness in my muscles. “What else do you want to do today?” he asked.
“Want versus need. Hmm. Need wins. Laundry.”
“Good God, can’t you have someone do that for you?”
I scowled. “Are you seriously saying you don’t do your own laundry?”
“Of course I do my own laundry.”
I was sure there was a caveat in there somewhere, as in doing his laundry meant putting it in a bag for whoever actually washed his clothes, then maybe putting them away once they were delivered clean. However, I’d busted his balls about enough in the last twenty-four hours. He’d get a pass on laundry.
“I need to talk to you about something serious,” I said instead.
Beau rubbed his hands together and smiled in a way that reminded me of when I first met him.
“No. I’m serious. This is important.”
His face fell. “Yes, Miss Samantha. I’m listening.”