Page 106 of Breaking Trey
She shook her head and waved her hand. “Damn, I’m sorry.”
She had nothing to apologize for. Dahlia had been open and more honest than most people he’d ever encountered. It took a level of trust to divulge those kinds of inner thoughts and feelings.
He got into bed, grabbed her arm, and pulled her down to his chest. She came willingly, but he sensed her tension.
“That was weird, right?” she whispered.
Trey brushed his lips to the crown of her head. “It was real.”
More real than most people had ever been with him. It was as if she’d given him something she’d never gifted before. Pure openness and honesty. He stroked her back and reached up, turning off the light. This was yet another game changer. A realization.
Trey was all in.
With Dahlia.
Chapter Twenty
Dahlia rushed through the parking lot and rounded the back of the building to the employee entrance. Sloane was waiting with the door wide open.
“Thanks so much for coming in. I know it’s short notice.”
Dahlia chuckled, slipped past her, and headed toward the break room. “Like I told you, it’s not a big deal, Sloane. I didn’t have any plans anyway.”
Well, there were no plans until two in the morning when she’d be meeting Trey at his apartment.
It was supposed to be Dahlia’s only day off for the week, but when she’d gotten the call from Sloane, she’d immediately jumped on it. Aside from the extra cash, she was helping her friend out. There was also the perk of seeing Trey. Even after spending the last week at his apartment almost every night, she hadn’t gotten her fill. He still kept his distance at the club, but every once in a while, when she worked the balcony, she’d sneak into his office. Trey didn’t seem to mind.
“Well, it’s a big deal to me. I understand people get sick, but a little heads up, maybe an hour, would have been nice.”
Dahlia smiled. “Where do you need me?”
“Bar one. I already had Mindy scheduled for the balcony, and if I switch her out now, she might kill me.”
Dahlia snickered, shoving her bag into one of the lockers. “And that would be a tragedy, so I will happily barback for Misti and Kill. I miss working with them anyway.”
Dahlia rushed down the hall onto the floor. The club had only been open for thirty minutes, but the dance floor was packed, and the lines at the bars were two rows deep. She slyly glanced up at the balcony and saw the security lined up. Her heartbeat quickened, knowing that Trey was probably in the club.
They may have been spending every night together, but he never shared his schedule with her. In fact, Trey hardly shared anything. They were the polar opposites in a sense. Dahlia was an open book, and Trey was closed off when it came to his life. Aside from the call from Jared, Trey always left the room when he took a call.
Her relationship with Trey was impossible to navigate. Every time she thought she was breaking through his walls and getting closer, he made moves that proved otherwise. But…this was how he wanted it. Dahlia had known that from the beginning. He wasn’t changing the rules. Her heart was.
Dahlia was so focused on the balcony she nearly collided with a woman making her way to the stairs. The woman was about her age, dressed impeccably but not necessarily for the club. Her outfit looked like it cost more than Dahlia’s rent. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight, sleek ponytail, and her bright green eyes were currently sending her a scathing glare. Dahlia rushed to the side, allowed the woman to pass, and offered her an apology.
“Sorry about that.”
The woman scowled and brushed past Dahlia, ignoring her completely, and then started up the stairs to the balcony. It was strange to see anyone except Trey, Rogue, and their security walk up without any type of escort. Dahlia slowly walked through the crowd, keeping her eyes trained on the balcony. When the woman reached the platform, Dahlia saw Trey walk over and greet her. The woman said something and laughed, and Trey’s face relaxed, offering her a small smile.
What the hell was that?
With her focus solely on Trey and the woman, she slammed into the back of one of the customers. She braced herself and held up her hands. The man turned and smiled, not the least bit offended. Dahlia slipped between the crowd and around to the back of the bar, then looked up to the balcony once again. She could only see a portion of Trey and the woman, but they were standing fairly close to one another, and the woman was leaning in.
Dahlia’s mind was going in a dangerous direction. Had Trey made plans to meet up with this woman, knowing it was her day off? It was possible Sloane had mentioned her coming in, but Dahlia hadn’t given him the heads up. She’d innocently thought her unscheduled appearance would be a sweet surprise for him. Looks like I’m the one in for a surprise.
“Can you hand me a highball, Dahl?” Killian asked, and she mindlessly grabbed the glass, handing it to him without tearing her gaze from the balcony.