Page 107 of Breaking Trey
“Do you know who that woman is talking with Trey?”
He leaned past her, glancing up at the balcony. “Don’t know. I’ve never seen her before. Maybe she works for Trey and Rogue’s corporate.”
It was possible. She certainly dressed the part. Dahlia angled her head, watching the woman lean forward as Trey lowered his head, giving her access to his ear. It was close. Too close!
Dahlia squinted. “Seems like she knows Trey well.”
When he didn’t answer, she looked back at him. Killian wasn’t looking at the balcony. He was staring at her.
“Isn’t that the way it looks to you?” Dahlia asked.
Killian’s lips twitched. “Maybe.”
“Well, look again.” She nudged his arm. “From a male perspective.”
Killian bowed his head, but she caught the curve of his mouth. He stepped forward next to Dahlia, angled his head, and looked up once again.
The woman leaned closer to Trey. It could have been due to the blasting music, but when she grazed her hand over his arm, Dahlia felt heat race through her veins. The woman smiled, then laughed, and surprisingly, Trey’s mouth relaxed. It wasn’t a committed smile, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable. In fact, Trey looked as if he was enjoying his time with her.
Settle down! You sound like a jealous girlfriend.
Dahlia swallowed the knot in her throat, refusing to look away. “So, what do you think?”
“Help me out here, Dahl. What’s the right answer?”
She furrowed her brows and turned to Killian. “The truth.”
Killian chuckled. “From my experience, when a woman says that in this situation, they usually don’t like the response.”
It was answer enough. Dahlia wasn’t reading into it. The woman was clearly interested and possibly making a play for Trey.
“They seem...” Killian hesitated and shrugged. “Friendly.”
Friendly. Or maybe something more.
“Well, have you ever seen any other women with Trey?” She was fishing and putting Killian in an awkward position.
“Dahlia, you signed the same NDA I did.”
The arrival of Noelle was unexpected. Trey hadn’t reached out to her after the night with Dahlia’s ex-roommate. There was no need to. As she was a member of Oz’s crew, Trey rarely interacted with any of them aside from a small circle.
Noelle smiled, glancing around the balcony. “Hope it’s okay that I’m swinging by.”
“Oz sent you?” Trey knew the answer before she responded.
Noelle cleared her throat and snickered. “Oz has me strictly on club duty, so no. I had the night off and figured I’d come by and check out the second hottest club in Lawry.” Noelle chuckled.
Trey smiled. “Don’t let Rogue hear you say that. But you’re welcome to stay and enjoy yourself.”
Trey took a step away, and Noelle matched his steps. It wasn’t aggressive but definitely forward.
“I may have an ulterior motive for being here. Can I get a minute in private with just you?”
Trey eyed the woman. “In regards to?”