Page 108 of Breaking Trey
“A business proposition.”
Trey wasn’t expecting her response, nor could he imagine what business they could have to discuss. Noelle was bottom level with Oz’s people. From what he understood, she’d been working her way up the ranks, but one mistake had dropped her back down to service. It was rare for anyone to get a second chance in the Underground, but for reasons unknown, she was kept around to do menial tasks in the club. He didn’t think she’d offer anything he’d be willing to accept, but he was open to hearing her out.
“Come with me.” Trey led Noelle down the hall and into his office.
Noelle glanced around the office and took a seat in one of the chairs across from his desk. He clasped his hands and sat back in his chair, waiting.
“I was wondering if maybe you could find use for me.”
Excuse me? She must have read his expression.
Noelle waved her hand and snickered. “No, not that kind of use. I’d like to work for you and Rogue, if it’s possible.”
Trey furrowed his brows and settled into his seat, scanning her face.
She drew in a breath, clutching the arms of her chair. “You needed me the other night.”
He did, and Noelle had come through. However…
“That was an extenuating circumstance.”
“I understand, but you had use for me. And I believe you were happy with the outcome.” Noelle smiled. “It felt good to be a part of something, even if it was just kicking the shit out of a stupid bitch. Couldn’t have done that without me, right?”
It was a brazen statement.
“I could have.”
Noelle straightened in her seat and cleared her throat. “But you wouldn’t have because that’s not how you do things, Trey. You needed a female, and you don’t have any working under you and Rogue to handle this type of situation. Something like this could come up again. If I worked for you, there wouldn’t be a need to call in Oz’s people.”
Trey couldn’t deny it since everything Noelle had said was true. She had been an asset when needed. It was obvious her talents were being wasted working at the club for Oz.
“Oz know you’re here?”
Noelle shifted in her seat, jerking her gaze across the room. “I thought it would be best to come to you first. If you aren’t receptive, then it’s pointless going to him anyway.”
Trey leaned forward, braced his elbows on the desk, and stared back at Noelle. “You think Oz will give you up?”
Noelle scoffed and shook her head. “He doesn’t trust me, Trey, and not even time will change that. I fucked up, I should have never made that call. It exposed a weakness in me.”
The call. Not many knew of it, even less spoke of it. One single phone call had defined Noelle’s place within the Underground.
Trey lifted his chin. “It showed compassion.”
Noelle laughed without humor. “Well, as we both know, there isn’t much respect or appreciation for that in the Underground. So…” She glanced up with a pleading gaze. “I’ll never move up under Oz.”
No, she wouldn’t.
“Is that what you want?”
Noelle shrugged. “I don’t have anything else. This is it for me.”
Trey glanced down at his desk when his phone rang. It was as if someone’s ears were ringing. Nash's calling wasn’t out of the ordinary, but the timing with Noelle sitting across from him was interesting.
“Does Nash know you’re here?”
Noelle’s face paled, and her gaze jerked down to his phone. “No.”