Page 102 of Blood and Fate
Satori gave Tessa a sad smile, grateful for her friend’s concern. She had done a good job of hiding Henrik’s visits from everyone.
“Nothing that hasn’t been happening for years. Please, you have to go.”
Tessa’s face contorted into a mask of horror at the word years. “Satori. Years?”
“Since I was of age,” Satori answered. “The night of my birthday, he came to my room, and he’s been present ever since.”
“Satori.” The despair lacing Tessa’s voice was nearly tangible. “How did I never know? How did you hide this?” Tessa’s face turned to disgust. “I liked him. The things I said about him... Oh, Satori, I’m so sorry.” She reached out and took Satori’s hand, squeezing her fingers so hard it brought pain.
Satori eased herself from Tessa’s grip. “He’s very good at being charming, and I didn’t want anyone to know. I felt . . . I just didn’t want anyone to know. I suppose now, because of the wedding, he doesn’t have to hide anymore.”
The thought of Henrik pawing at her even in public now made her want to be sick. There would be no relief. No end to her fighting.
That’s when it happened. She recognized the moment she shut down, but the disconnect was so strong that she didn’t care, like turning off a tap. This was her life, this was the way it would be. There was no way out.
“Tessa, you need to go.”
“Satori, I’m afraid—“
“Tessa,” Satori cut her off. No words would help. Fear would do no good. “Just go. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“But do you need me to run you a bath?” Tessa asked.
“No, I can do that myself.” She forced a smile onto her indifferent face, hollowness taking root in her chest as she moved toward the other girl, backing her to the door. “Thank you, Tessa. Goodnight.”
Tessa reached behind her and opened the door, concern clouding her features. “Alright.” She gave Satori one last overall look before stepping out the door. “Goodnight.”
Satori closed the door, not bothering to latch it. It would do no good, anyway. She moved to the bathing chamber, turning the tap. Scalding water poured into the tub. She removed her clothes and slipped into the tub, barely noticing the heat of the water, even as the steam rose from the surface. She dipped her head back, wetting her hair, and then she sat, eyes closed, soaking in the heat.
She didn’t notice when the water grew cold, didn’t notice anything around her until he spoke.
“Surely the water is cold and no longer comfortable.”
She didn’t even startle at the sound, at his presence—she had expected him. She opened her eyes. He stood in the doorway, leaning against it with one shoulder, arms folded over his chest, legs crossed at the ankles. He wore no shirt.
“What?” she asked.
His eyes widened just slightly at her question. “The water. Cold?”
She lifted her head and took in the water, her golden curls floating on the surface. “I suppose it is.”
She stood, the water cascading off her like a fall.
Henrik’s head raised slightly, his eyes narrowing a fraction before he moved. Stepping across the room, he retrieved her robe. He reached her just as she stepped out of the water and wrapped it around her shoulders, his fingers brushing against her collarbone. She barely registered his touch.
She took the edges of the robe, pulling them around herself as she exited the bathing chamber, stopping beside the bed. Henrik approached behind her. He pulled her wet hair from inside her robe and let it rest on her back, running his fingers through the dripping strands. When he spoke his voice was quiet, as though he cared or wanted her to think he cared.
“Satori, I don’t want to be your enemy. We’re to be wed. To be one. United.”
United. Could they be united? Not likely. But she said nothing. Didn’t speak as he swept her hair to the side and leaned in to kiss her neck.
“I don’t want to fight with you,” his soft words vibrated against her skin even as she stared across the room at the large blue and gold tapestry that hung on the wall.
Henrik’s other hand came around her waist, his finger slipping into the folds of the robe, brushing the sensitive skin of her stomach. He kissed along her jaw, up to her ear.
“We don’t have to be enemies. I could give you everything.”