Page 103 of Blood and Fate
Then, both his hands were on the shoulders of the robe, pulling it from her body. Cool air touched her skin, but she had already retreated into her own mind, blue and gold blurring into bare brown trees and flowing water, Kais’ voice in her ear, his lips on hers.
When Satori woke the following day, she was alone. She couldn’t tell how late it was as the drapes still hung heavily over the windows. It must have been very early for Tessa not to have been in yet.
Satori stood and pulled her robe from where it hung on the post of her bed. Sliding her arms into the sleeves, she tied it as she moved to the large window that led to her balcony. She took hold of the heavy drapes and threw them open. Blinding light poured into the room, causing her to squint.
It was later than she’d thought. Where was Tessa? It was unlike her—actually, unheard of—for her not to wake Satori. Was she ill?
The door to her bedroom opened, drawing her attention. Two female servants entered, arms laden with items. One of them held a full white dress draped across her arms. Satori’s stomach turned at the sight as reality hit her. It was her wedding day. White. A bitter laugh punched out of her. She had no right to wear white to her marriage to Henrik, of all people.
Both servants stopped and dipped into a curtsey. “Good morning, Your Highness.”
They swept into the room and laid out items across every surface. There were things for her hair, a curling rod, an armload of tiny fresh flowers, lotions and perfumes, the dress, underclothes...all items one might need for a wedding.
Satori stepped closer, watching, arms folded across her chest. “Excuse me, where’s Tessa?”
Both servants froze, stealing a glance at one another. A sinking hole opened in Satori’s stomach.
“What is it? What’s happened? Where is she?” Her gaze jumped between the two, staring at her wide-eyed.
“Your Highness, we’re only here to prepare you for the ceremony. I’m sure—“
“Stop!” Satori bit out. “I’m not preparing for any ceremony until you tell me where Tessa is.”
The door crashed open as Henrik strode into the room, his long legs carrying him quickly to her. He stopped in front of her, his harsh gaze boring into hers. “Tessa lied to me. She defied me. Actions have consequences.”
Satori began to shake, a coldness flowing through her limbs, stealing her breath. Her voice trembled when she spoke, “What did you do?”
He stepped closer, his body brushing hers as he latched onto her upper arms, pinning her with his cold blue stare. “What was deserved.”
Satori’s legs gave out, but she didn’t fall as Henrik held her fast in his grip.
“What did you do? What did you do?” With each question, she fought him harder, but the only purpose it served was to cause him to tighten his grip until pain lanced through her arms.
He pulled her up, stooping slightly to meet her gaze. “She, and you, will learn that defying me is a poor choice.” He set her back on her feet. “You’ll see her at the wedding. Now, get ready.”
At the wedding? With difficulty, Satori swallowed. Tessa would be at the ceremony? Henrik hadn’t killed her. She turned her head away from him, and her attention fell on the two servants who had come to help her prepare. They stood seemingly petrified, eyes wide, mouths slack.
Satori inhaled deeply, pulling herself together for their sake. Henrik released his hold on her, and she fought the urge to rub at the sore places on her arms—refused to give him that. She glared up at him, and he responded with a ghost of a smirk.
“By the end of today, you will be mine. I am so looking forward to the wedding night.”
She raised a hand to hit him, but he caught her wrist easily in his large grip. “I wouldn’t, Princess. Remember the consequences. It may not be you who suffers.” He released her once again and turned to the servants. “Get her ready.”
“Yes, sir,” they mumbled in unison as Henrik swept from the room. Cautiously they approached Satori. “Are you alright, Your Highness?”
“Hardly.” She turned to face them fully. “Where’s Tessa?”
Again, they exchanged a glance.
“Tell me.”
“She was taken from her room down to the prison,” the dark-haired servant girl—Satori thought her name was Maci—shrugged. “We haven’t seen her since.”
The other servant spoke up, “I heard he was going to have an example made of her at the ceremony.”