Page 1 of The Light Within
"In moments of pain, we seek revenge." – Ami Ayalon
Exhaustionsettlesheavilyintomy bones and my eyelids feel like they weigh a ton. My head droops as I head back to the hallway to our bedroom to prepare for bed. All day, I’ve done my best to hide my fatigue from Will, not wanting to confess I barely slept the previous night from the happiness dancing like a ballerina through my limbs.
There are so many new changes in my life. But it’s everything I’ve always dreamed of but feared wasn’t possible.
My first surprise of the evening was when Will brought me to an enormous house, the outside resembling every dream house I’d envisioned, but realistically knew it was out of reach. When he led me inside, we were greeted by balloons and decorations covering the foyer, with an elaborate sign that said, “Welcome home, Will and Everleigh?”
His intense gaze bored into the side of my face, watching every single expression I made. In my gut, I knew this house was already ours, all the preliminary details already taken care of, but I appreciated him making the effort to check with me first.
“Will, is this our new home?”
“I’m hoping. But I don’t want to make the same mistake I did before by not giving you a choice. I’ll let you decide that.” He gave me a boyish grin that melted my heart and then gave me a tour.
Of course, I loved the house, as he knew I would. He’d had it custom built and decorated especially for me. How could I not?
The second surprise came when our tour ended in the backyard. Will pulled a remote from his pocket, pressing buttons that lit our backyard with dozens of lights strung around trees, bushes, the fence, and the pergola. Music began to play from the speakers hidden outside. Will extended his hand to me and asked me to dance.
It was positively magical as he whirled me around, dancing beneath the crisp November air. When the song ended and he pointed to the bright stars overhead, I tilted my head to the sky, mesmerized.
I lowered my head only to find him on one knee in front of me, holding a magnificent diamond and ruby engagement ring in his hand.
His perfect words still roll through my head.
“Everleigh Renee, since the moment you literally crashed into my life, my entire world became so much better, full of things I’d never experienced before. The biggest gift you’ve given me is something I never had before and wasn’t sure if a monster like me deserved: your love. I fell ridiculously hard and fast for you. You are the perfect woman for me, the only one capable of handling my light and my darkness. We’ve traveled our own unique journey to get to this moment, but I wouldn’t change any of it. In fact, I’d repeatedly endure any amount of pain and suffering, as long as I end up with you.” He paused, his voice cracking. “Everleigh, will you do me the honor of being my wife, having my children, and spending the rest of our life loving me?”
I was crying and nodding my head before I finally choked out the words he said to me a couple of years ago. “Willingly. Completely. For a fucking eternity.”
After he slipped the ring on my finger and we celebrated, our hearts overflowing with our love, the lights and music changed and one of my favorite songs, “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys, flowed around our backyard. I was getting ready to grind on him like I did at the Halloween party when my brother’s booming voice came from behind me.
Like a wave, our friends and family swelled behind us, anxious to celebrate our proposal and new home with us. It was, hands-down, one of the best moments I’ve had in quite a long time.
Once the festivities wound down and Will and I were getting ready for bed, a wave of nausea hit me while I was brushing my teeth. I’ve had periodic episodes over the past two weeks, but considering all the stress I’ve been under, I didn’t give it much thought.
Not until Will pulled a pregnancy test from the drawer and asked me to take it while he went downstairs to get me a glass of ginger ale.
My hand rubs over my flat stomach, a smile on my face. We’re expecting a little bundle of joy, and I couldn’t be happier.
Pulling my thoughts back to the present moment, I head to the bathroom to begin my nightly bedtime ritual. Grabbing my toothbrush and putting a dollop of toothpaste on it, my eyes stare at my reflection in the mirror as I brush my teeth. Dark circles line my bloodshot eyes, making me temporarily pause in brushing my teeth and grimace.
I look terrible. There’s no way Will won’t notice how tired I am.
The bedroom door opens, and I hear my fiancé’s footsteps coming toward me. Despite the heaviness in my limbs and my scratchy eyes, I straighten my posture, trying to appear more alert than I feel.
He stops in the doorway, his gaze burning into me as it rakes over my profile, taking in every little nuance. I know before I turn to look at him that a disapproving frown is on his lips.
I finish brushing my teeth, rinsing my mouth out before turning to him.
His head is cocked and his arms are crossed over his body. He arches a disapproving brow at me. “You barely slept last night. Why didn’t you take a nap after we returned from signing the paperwork for the house?”
Giving him a chagrined smile, I wave my hand dismissively. “I wanted to tell Savannah the good news. I couldn’t wait any longer to tell her we’re pregnant, but I made her swear not to tell anyone else yet.”
Will’s lips quirk in amusement, but he still has that look in his light blue eyes. The one that conveys he’s pissed I’m pushing myself too hard.
Stepping closer to him, my fingers lightly stroke his bicep. I can’t resist touching him after not being able to touch him for so long. Those two years were unbearable. “I know I should’ve napped, but I was too excited. We started talking about baby names and wedding plans and the time flew by. Then I received Emma’s text about dinner and…” I rub my hand over my stomach. “We were hungry.”