Page 2 of The Light Within
A smile curls up his lips before he sighs, his arms uncrossing and wrapping around me, pulling me against him. “I understand, my love. I’m just worried about you burning yourself out.” He rubs his nose against mine. “No matter what you say, I know that killing Ainsley and the man you thought was your father was harder than you let on. Despite how much they deserved everything you gave them, it’s still a lot to process.”
I nod, trying to assuage his fears. “I know. But Will, I’ve waited a long time to get my revenge on Ainsley. I had a clear head going into that battle.”
“Yes, but baby, none of us knew the man you thought was your father was still alive. That was a huge bombshell, especially for you.”
Blinking, I tighten my arms around his neck, involuntarily flinching from the wave of pain that lances through me as I reflect on that moment. “Finding out he wasn’t my biological father and orchestrated the plan to kill me to get my inheritance was a bitter pill to swallow. The betrayal cut deep.” Taking a breath, I push my negative thoughts away, focusing on the positives. “But you’ve spent every day of your life since the day I met you treating me like a queen, showing me genuine caring and respect. Your love took the sting away.” Standing on my tiptoes, I press my lips against his. “Besides, look what I gained when the truth was revealed. A wonderful father and a crazy brother.” My lips curl up in a smile, contentment stealing over me.
Will chuckles. “I agree,especiallyabout the crazy brother. God, when Darin danced like a stripper around Grandma Lucinda and sang ‘I Wanna Sex You Up,’ I thought she was gonna have a heart attack from excitement. I nearly died when she tried to take Darin’s clothes off.”
I burst into laughter. “That is going to live rent-free inside my head forever.”
His hands slide down, grabbing my ass. “You and Darin singing karaoke together will live rent free inside my head. I still can’t believe he talked you into singing ‘Promiscuous’to Grandma Lucinda.” He pauses, laughing as he remembers our crazy antics. “I’ve never seen Bryan laugh so hard. I thought he was going to piss himself.”
Wiping the tears of laughter from my face, I shake my head. “When Darin asked me to sing with him, I knew it was going to be crazy. But I didn’t expect him to choose that song. Kinda perfect for the way she acts though.”
He shakes his head, laughing. “Honestly, I thought Darin was going to make up a song about blowjobs.”
“That would have been priceless. Lucinda is the coolest grandma I’ve ever met.”
“I agree. Although she didn’t seem quite as cool to me when she tried to grab my dick at Irelynn’s wedding.”
I try to keep a straight face but fail miserably, howling with laughter. “I’m so sorry,” I finally choke out. “She’s just such a spitfire.”
Will shrugs, taking it in stride. “She is. Lucinda certainly makes every occasion memorable.” He pulls me against him and my laughter fades as I feel his hard dick pressing against me. Immediately, heat rushes through me, pooling between my legs.
He rubs his nose against mine. “Don’t get too excited. As much as I’d love to be inside you, we need to go to bed so you can get some rest. You’re exhausted, although you’re trying damn hard to hide it.”
“I’m not too tired for sex.” The words are barely out of my mouth before I let out a yawn, despite how hard I tried to suppress it.
“Yes, you are. Plenty of time for that after you rest.” Before I can react, he scoops me in his arms, carrying me from the bathroom to our bed. I sag in his embrace, drowsiness hitting me again now that I’m content in his arms. He’s had that effect on me since the day I met him. Even under duress, fearful Ainsley would reappear and kill us both, when he held my injured body against his, all my problems faded away.
My eyes droop as he places me on the mattress, strips my clothes off, and tucks me under the covers. Still, I refuse to fall asleep until he’s beside me in bed. Once he pulls me against his muscular body, I curl around him, closing my eyes and drifting off immediately.
“Noooo!” I wail, terror climbing from inside my chest, pulling my breath from my lungs. “We deserve to be happy. We’ve dealt with enough shit.”
An evil laugh floats into the dimly lit room. “I don’t care what you think you deserve. I’m here to get what I deserve.”
I shrink against the dark wall, wondering where the hell I am. And who the fuck is this jackass in front of me?
Although my arms and legs are bound, I struggle against the restraints, trying to break free. Despite my best efforts, it’s fruitless.
My gaze raises to the man in front of me, standing beneath a flickering lightbulb that threatens to go out at any moment, plunging us into darkness.
Panic wells inside me. I have no idea what his plans for me are, and no idea where Will is. Knowing there is life inside me that could be harmed by this jackass fills me with a combination of hopelessness and anger.
The man’s cheap, overbearing cologne drifts over me as he hunkers down in front of me, a sadistic smile on his face. “Let the games begin.”
Closing my eyes, I turn my head away, tears burning behind my lids.
Where are you, Will? I need you.
Shooting into a sitting position, my heart beats wildly inside my chest. My hand clutches at my shirt, my breaths heavy and uneven as my eyes dart around the room.
God, that was so weird.
A sigh of relief drifts from my lips as the realization that I’m at home, safe in bed, causes my heart rate to slow. My hand automatically reaches over to Will’s side of the bed, finding only empty, cool sheets.
My mind races, wondering why I had this strange dream when life is so damn good.