Page 3 of The Light Within
It must be the shock of all the recent revelations.
Satisfied with that answer, I lean over to grab my cell phone from the nightstand. A red rose lays across my phone, a folded note beneath it.
Grabbing the note, a smile lights up my face when I read it.
In case you wake up, I’m making breakfast. Don’t get out of bed except to use the restroom. You deserve some pampering, so I’m serving you breakfast in bed.
I love you.
Smiling, I set the note on the nightstand and then pick up the rose, noting that Will cut off the thorns. Lowering my face, I inhale its beautiful fragrance, my heart swelling with love at the thoughtfulness of my fiancé. Setting the flower beside my phone, I slide out of bed to use the restroom.
By the time I crawl back into bed, my nightmare is forgotten.
I look up as the handle of the door turns. Will enters the room, a huge smile lighting up his face, his arms laden with a tray piled high with food. The aroma washes over me, my stomach growling.
“Good morning, Goddess. I made a feast for you and our two little girls growing inside you.”
Sitting up with anticipation, I give him a happy grin. “Morning, love. That smells amazing. Thank you for surprising me and them.” I don’t bother arguing about the number of babies inside me, nor the gender.
What Will wants, he gets, so I’m probably having twins.
I patiently wait as he sets the tray over my lap, making sure I have everything I need before he slides under the covers beside me.
“You’re welcome, love. Always happy to feed my girls.” His hand rubs over my stomach before he slides it to my side, squeezing gently.
Picking up my fork, I give him a huge smile. “This reminds me of our early days when I was injured from the car accident and you made me breakfast in bed.”
His eyes twinkle as he leans over, his lips close to mine. “It’s forever ingrained in my memory. We shared our first kiss.”
My hand traces over his jawline, feeling the stubble of hair beneath my fingertips. “Every time I kiss you, it feels like the first time all over again.”
“Same, goddess.” He closes the distance between us, his lips against mine. “I plan to kiss you every day for the rest of my life.” His hands slide into my hair, reenacting our first kiss all over again.
When we finally part, our breathing is heavy and our eyes hooded with lust.
He pulls back slightly. “Eat your breakfast, momma. You and our girls need to be fed.”
My stomach emits a loud growl. I giggle, turning my attention to the huge meal in front of me.
Grinning, I say, “No arguments from us, my love,” before digging in.
Damn, I’m so lucky to have him.
“Nopeeking,love.”Igrin, knowing she’s going to give me so much shit for that remark.
“Will.I’m blindfolded. I can’t see a damn thing. How the hell am I peeking?” She huffs out a breath, her expression full of indignation.
My lip quirks up in a smirk. I’m glad she can’t see my face right now. My fiancée is a badass, and though I’d never admit it to anyone other than her, she could kick my ass if she wanted to.
Not saying she’d win if we had a match inside a ring, but she’d certainly get in some good hits.