Page 59 of The Light Within
Nodding, I heave out a breath. “That’s good news. I was hoping there wouldn’t be any surprises before the meeting.” I raise my brows, giving him a look. “At least, of that variety. That homeless looking man was unexpected.” Shoving my hands in my pockets, my thoughts whirl inside my head. “His build was pretty big for someone supposedly homeless. Like he works out a lot. And I swear I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his neck before he fled.”
“Agreed. His clothing was off for someone with that physique.” Bryan shifts his laptop and I grab it from him.
“Why don’t you pull up the cameras on your phone? I’m curious about him.”
Nodding, Bryan pulls out his phone, his fingers rapidly flying over the screen. When he gets them pulled up, he checks a couple of cameras before we see the guy entering the lobby behind a group of people talking animatedly, probably employees from Sumer Tech Industries. They pay him little attention as he stands in the lobby, looking around at the surroundings, before heading toward the stairwell.
The elevator doors open, and we step off. “I want you to investigate this more after the meeting.” Walking side by side, we head down the hallway to the large conference room on the floor below our offices.
Bryan nods. “No problem.”
Slipping my professional demeanor firmly in place, I walk through the door behind Bryan, surveying the room quickly. The atmosphere is full of tension and worry as people look at me with unease and furrowed brows. They don’t have anything to worry about as long as they keep doing their jobs. I’ve already gotten rid of the dead weight dragging the company down.
Handing Bryan his laptop, I wait until he’s settled in his seat before striding to the front of the room. I give everyone a polite, warm smile, then begin speaking. “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming here today to meet with us. I’m excited about the future of Sumer Tech Industries.”
Melinda walks around the room, placing an agenda in front of the attendees seated around the enormous conference table. I see many bent heads and eyes skimming the page before they return their attention back to me.
I finish my speech, then introduce Matthew Byers, the man I’d chosen to replace Colin Fry. Before sliding into my seat beside Bryan, I shove my hands into my pants pockets to pull out my phone.
My brows furrow when I realize it’s not there. Checking my jacket pocket, I come up empty as well.
As I sit down, Bryan leans over. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find my cell phone,” I whisper back.
“Did it fall out of your pocket when you were—ahem—busy with Everleigh in your office?”
I grin. “There’s a real possibility. It’s probably on the floor.”
Bryan nods, his eyes lowering to the agenda in front of him. “We have a break in thirty minutes while they set up the catered lunch. You can grab it then.”
Sitting back in my seat, I nod, turning my head toward Matt. It bothers me that I don’t have my phone on me, but I try to reassure myself that I can last without it for half an hour. I really can’t leave now and run back and get it. That would appear callous and rude and the employees of Sumer Tech have been through enough bullshit because of Colin’s mismanagement.
Forcing my attention on the meeting, I reassure myself that everything is fine and I need to stop worrying.
I’ll have my phone soon enough.
Twentyminuteslater,Bryan’sphone vibrates on the table beside him, and his brows furrowed as he picks it up, looking at it. His eyes flit to mine before he holds out his phone so I can see it.
I don’t like the look in his eyes. It sends a chill down my spine.
Panic fills my chest as I look down at his screen, Savannah’s name staring back at me.
Savannah: Hey Bryan, it’s Savannah. Is Everleigh still with Will? She hasn’t shown up at the bridal shop yet and she’s not answering her texts or calls.
It feels like cold fingers wrap around my neck, squeezing it. I can’t get enough oxygen into my lungs as I reread her text, my stomach dropping. My heart beats sluggishly inside my chest as my brain scrambles to process what is happening, my emotions overwhelming me.
Pulling my gaze from the phone, Bryan’s dark, concerned eyes are locked on me, studying my reaction.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,” Pushing his chair back, he stands, interrupting Matthew mid-sentence. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, Matt, but Will and I have an emergency we need to attend to. Our apologies. Please, continue without us.”
I’m numb as I stand up, my eyes flitting around the room, a sea of faces gazing at us. I’m unable to discern one from the next.
The only thing I can see is Everleigh’s face in every single person inside this room.