Page 60 of The Light Within
Spinning on my heel, I hurry to the door, shoving it open. Dashing outside, my breaths heave in and out of my lungs as my thoughts whirl.
Where the hell is Everleigh?
She should be at the bridal shop with Savannah, Irelynn, and Vanessa.
Bryan is hot on my heels, rushing after me. Putting a hand on my shoulder, we exchange only a single, loaded look before turning and hurrying toward the elevator. No words are exchanged until we step inside and the doors close, the elevator lifting us toward our offices.
“Do you think it’s connected? That strange, homeless guy and now Everleigh not answering her phone?” He’s already pulling up the app to the tracker in her ankle.
I glare at his phone. “I wish I fucking had my phone.” Running a hand through my hair, I grip the ends tightly, trying to control the spiraling rush of emotions that threaten to spin me out of control. “My gut tells me it’s related. I wish we knew who the hell he was and why he was here.” As the doors open, we scurry out, rushing down the hallway toward my office.
Once inside, I immediately run to my desk, my eyes scanning my desk where I usually set my phone.
But it’s not there.
Pulling out my desk chair, I checked the floor, but no luck.
Without saying a word, Bryan is beside me. “I’ll call you.” He presses my number and we wait, our gazes still searching my desk and the area surrounding it, expecting my phone to ring so I can grab it.
But it doesn’t.
Icy fear prickles my skin as I run my hand through my hair. “Call Everleigh’s phone.”
Bryan immediately calls her, but it rings and rings, then goes to her voicemail.
“Fuck,” I begin pacing, agitation flowing beneath my skin, making my hands shake.
“I’ll call Savannah. See if Everleigh showed up and left her phone in the car or something.” He dials Savannah, who answers on the first ring.
“Is Everleigh with you guys?” Her voice is laced with panic that flows through the line.
“No,” Bryan says, his eyes on me. “She was here with Will, then left around a quarter till eleven to meet you, Irelynn, and Vanessa.”
“She’s not here, Bryan. I’ve been texting and calling her. Her car wasn’t in the parking lot when I pulled in and it’s still not here.” Savannah’s voice quivers, the threat of tears apparent through the phone.
“We’re gonna check the parking lot to see if her car is still in front of my building.” My words are deliberately slow, trying to convey a calmness I don’t feel. “We’ll call you back soon.”
Bryan hangs up, his brows raised. “Think that homeless guy may have swiped your phone?”
“Possibly. I assumed it was in my pants pocket when I walked Everleigh to the elevator. I never returned to my office because of him, and I didn’t have it during our meeting.” I spin around, swiping my keys from my desk drawer and grabbing the handgun I keep under my desk.
Bryan lifts his jacket, showing me the gun on his hip. Releasing it, he looks at his phone. “Okay, the tracker in her ankle is showing… Wait, what the hell?”
I lean closer, staring with unblinking eyes at his phone. “Why the hell would her tracker say she’s there?” Pointing at the street name, Bryan lifts his head.
“She’s in trouble, Will. There’s no way she’d go there. Especially not on her own.”
Fear wraps around my heart, squeezing it so hard I lean forward, gasping for air.
“Are you okay?” Bryan’s hand is on my shoulder, but his voice is faint.
Curling my fingers into a fist, I dig my nails into my palm, waiting for the dizziness to fade before answering. “Let’s go check the parking lot.” My voice is firm as I straighten. “Check the footage from when she got on the elevator.”
Panic grips me as I stare with wide eyes out the window. As if I am having an out-of-body experience, I slowly walk toward it, my gaze locked on the parking lot.
As I gaze down, I spot her car, parked beside mine.
Whirling around, I sprint toward my doorway and out the door, anger replacing my fear. It begins like light rain, then increases in intensity until it boils into a pure rage, like a tornado that destroys everything in its path.