Page 20 of Devious Bastard
“Evan? What the hell are you doing here?”
“I’ll go get us a seat.” Sophia mutters as she hurries off, nodding at Evan as she passes him. His gaze briefly flits to her, and he nods before his gaze moves to me. He saunters closer, his hands in the pockets of his tailored pants.
“Hey, bellissima.” Evan stops, standing entirely too close to me, his rich amber scent a vaporous cloud that sucks the air from my lungs yet somehow manages to rocket my pulse up to high-intensity aerobic levels. “Happy first day of class.” He flashes me his infamous panty-melting smile, and I swear, mine combust instantly.
I’m gonna need to buy more panties.
Pulling myself from my lust-induced state, I look around the room, noticing the inquisitive stares from the students passing us.
“Why are you here?” My eyes narrow. “Are you spying on me?”
He chuckles. “What is it with you and the words ‘spy’ and ‘stalk’ when you talk to me?” He doesn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he proudly proclaims, “I’m the new TA for your class.”
Say what now?“You’re the t-teaching a-assistant? For t-this class?”
“Yes. Aren’t you excited?”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth.”
Evan frowns before chuckling. “Cute, Lexi.” He releases a dramatic sigh. “Always playing hard to get.”
Playing hard to get? He’s my fucking stepbrother and now my TA.Forbidden times two on the socially acceptable scale, although Evan hardly cares about such things. He thumbs his nose at society’s rules.
Evan’s attention is diverted by the older man approaching us. “Ah, Dr. Boyles. I’d like you to meet Alexis Morgan-Whitmore, mystepsister.” His eyes dart to mine as he emphasizes stepsister like it’s a dirty word. “Lexi, this is Dr. Boyles, a leading expert in the field of Social Psychology and a first-rate professor.”
“Lexi. Evan’s told me so much about you.” Dr. Boyles extends his hand, clasping mine in his. “So thoughtful of him to switch classes with Logan Michaels, the previous TA. He’s doing me a huge favor by teaching this class and—”
“I’m sorry. Teaching the class?” I blink at him as though he’s speaking to me in a foreign language.
“Oh, I ruined the surprise, didn’t I?” Dr. Boyles shoots Evan an apologetic grin. “My apologies, Evan.”
“No need.” Evan waves his hand dismissively, that perfectly fake smile on his face he uses to charm adults, his smoky gray eyes locked on Dr. Boyles. Evan reminds me of Kaa, the snake from “The Jungle Book,” able to hypnotize those around him through eye contact. “I told her I was the TA but hadn’t gotten to that part yet.”
I stand there, stupefied, as my thoughts race wildly.Evan is going to be teaching the Psychology class I’m taking?
Oh, sweet Jesus. What fresh hell is he going to unleash on me now?
The two men continue talking, but I barely comprehend anything they’re saying over the pounding in my head.
But that changes when Dr. Boyles greets another student, leaving me alone with Evan. “What the hell did you do?” I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring daggers at him. “I swear, Evan, you better not be up to anything. I’ll go to the dean if you treat me unfairly.”
The smile vanishes from his face, his eyes so cold the room temperature drops about ten degrees as he steps closer, suffocating me beneath the weight of the anger. “You’re not starting on the right foot with your new professor, Lexi,” he says through gritted teeth. “Go to the dean. He’s good friends with my father.”
“I should have known.” Taking a step back, I rub my arms over my chilled flesh. “I just… I need to sit down.” Spinning on my heel, Evan grabs my wrist, stopping me. “Stop wearing revealing clothing to class unless you want me to beat the shit out of male students in this room for staring at you.”
“Revealing clothing?” I spin around, tugging against his grip to no avail. “I’m dressed like everyone else, Evan.”
He snorts. “That doesn’t help your case, Lexi. Most of the women on this campus dress like tramps and would fuck anything with a dick.”
Hot tears sting my eyelids. I refuse to let Evan boss me around.
Finally tugging free of his grip when Dr. Boyles glances our way, I simply hiss, “Fuck you, jackass. I’ll wear what I want.” Whirling around, my gaze searching for Sophia. Relief fills me when I spot her sympathetic face, and I make a beeline for her.