Page 21 of Devious Bastard
“Did I hear that correctly? Evan is teaching the class.”
Biting my lip, I nod as I shrug my backpack off my shoulders, throwing Evan a disgusted look. His gray eyes bore into me, shooting me a warning look, which I chose to ignore.
Who the hell does he think he is? Bossing me around, stalking me. I knew the fucker was up to something! That’s why he pretended to be nice.
He raises his brows, a challenge in his eyes. He flashes me a smug smile, and I see red.
An idea forms as his words circulate through my head.“Stop wearing revealing clothing to class…”
I bend over, my ass facing him, as I set my backpack on the floor. I wiggle my ass before I straighten. Sophia snorts out a laugh, clamping her hand over her mouth as I straighten.
I slide into the seat, flipping my hair over my shoulder as I cross my legs. Raising my brows, I stare at him, my chin tilted in defiance. A laugh nearly bubbles out of me from the extremely pissed off look on his face, but I manage to keep it together.
“Girl, you’re in so much trouble now.” Sophia twists a strand of hair around her finger, a bemused expression on her face.
I shrug. “I can handle him.”
My gaze returns to his, and I flutter my fingers in a little wave, watching him fume.
Sophia throws her head back. “Oh, honey. There’s that naivete again.” Her smile fades. “I don’t know Evan well, but I’ve never seen anyone ‘handle’ Evan. He’s always the one who does the handling.”
I shrug, trying to hold onto my bravado as my confidence diminishes. “There’s a first time for everything.”
Sophia’s tone is a grave warning. “Just remember it works both ways.” Her gaze moves to Evan. “Evan doesnotlike to lose. He gets what he wants when he wants it. Nothing stands in his way.”
I shiver but try to hide it. “Well, he’s not getting what he wants this time.”
Sophia raises her brows, her gaze traveling from my face to my flushed skin. “You sure about that?”
Dr. Boyles claps his hands together, beginning class and effectively cutting off my response. It’s probably for the best, as I’m certain Sophia doesn’t believe anything that comes out of my mouth when it comes to Evan.
I swing my sandal-clad foot in circles as Dr. Boyles launches into his introduction, informing the class that Professor Whitmore will instruct the class for the semester. He praises Evan like he’s the best thing since sliced bread. I roll my eyes as Evan preens, his gray eyes locked on me. The smug grin on his face makes me nauseous.
Dr. Boyles turns the class over to Evan, then grabs his laptop and exits the room.
“Is that permissible?” I whisper to Sophia. “Dr. Boyles is leaving us with Evan. Shouldn’t he stay here while Evan instructs the class?”
Sophia snorts. “In some places, yes. But not here. Most of my classes have been taught by the TA.”
I stare at her in horror, my mouth dry. “That means Evan will be grading us, right?”
Sophia nods. “Afraid so.”
“Problem, ladies?” Evan’s voice interrupts our conversation.
My face flames as I face him, shaking my head. “No problem. She was able to answer my question.”
Evan’s expression is hard, his eyes cold. “I’d appreciate it if you directed any questions to me rather than disturb the rest of the class.”
I slide lower in my chair, trying to make myself smaller. “Noted.”
Why is he being such a dick?
“Good.” He resumed his lecture while Sophia and I exchanged a glance. Her sympathetic face eases the sting of embarrassment Evan just put me through.
But it doesn’t end there.
As Evan lectures, I’m a model student, taking notes and paying attention, but that doesn’t stop him from rapidly firing questions at me like a sniper with a gun. I’ve done the reading and taken notes, so I’m well prepared for class and able to answer them, but I feel singled out. While he calls on other students to answer, he calls on me far more than anyone else.