Page 47 of Pucking the Players
Somehow, I'd fallen into a new normal. Dad had begrudgingly accepted my relationship with the guys but refused to ask any questions. Mom was begging for details but I'd avoided that conversation like the plague. I'd also not slept at home in days.
Every night after practice or work someone was there to get me. They took me home or out on a date, filling my nights with more respect and chivalry than I'd ever experienced. That didn't mean it wasn't also filled with mind-blowing sex and shameless flirting. With them, that also came naturally. Now we'd moved on to mysterious dates, apparently.
"Ask again and I'll spank that perfect ass of yours," Brock sang out as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a blindfold. "Put this on."
"No fucking way," I protested. In truth, I was shocked at the lengths they were going for this one. At least I knew I could trust them with my own secrets.
"Yes," Tate growled, unbuckling his seat in the back and moving forward to take it from Brock then securing it over my eyes. I crossed my arms in protest but didn't rip it off. I'd give them this one but if this surprise sucked they were never going to hear the end of it.
At least they care enough to do this.
That voice was beginning to annoy me. The one that reminded me, this was different and I shouldn't be skeptical. Yet, I never let the insecurities take hold. Not anymore. They'd more than shown me that they thought I was sexy and that I drove them just as crazy.
The sound of the blinker had me pausing, straining to hear anything that would give this away. They were all tight-lipped and silent as he took the exit and navigated further into whatever city we were in now. This was even further out than I lived before I came home.
Finally, ten minutes later he pulled into a spot and parked.
"Can I look now?"
"Yes." I jumped at Tate's voice right in my ear. He slipped the blindfold off and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. A shelter?
"What are we doing here?"
The thought of replacing Roscoe had my stomach dropping. Was I even ready for this?
"Just keep an open mind, okay?" Brock said. His voice bordered on pleading, so I swallowed down my words and nodded.
"Welcome to Fluffy Friends, do you have an appointment or can I help you find a friend of your own?" the older woman behind the desk called out. She had dirt on her cheek and fur covering her black uniform. It was clear these animals were in good hands. I hoped Roscoe got put somewhere like this or with a family who appreciated his sassy charm.
"We do. Brock Davis."
Her eyes lit up and she clapped her hands. "Right this way, the room is all set up for you."
Set up?
They refused to look at me as she led us through the hall and into a private room. The sound of barks in the distance had sadness brewing in my chest.
"What the hell did you guys do?" I demanded. There was no heat there but for the first time since we found each other, they'd severely missed the mark. I'd have to tell them I wasn't ready even if they led the most adorable pup through the door.
"Be patient," Elias said, giving my hand a squeeze. His easy smile was strained, even he was getting worried.
I never should have doubted them.
The moment she opened the door, urging a dog in behind her, I lost it.
"Roscoe?!" I gasped as I dropped to my knees. My sweet baby let out a strangled bark that was deep and desperate, nearly mowing her over in his run to get to me. In seconds my pug was in my arms, being squeezed to death and showering in my tears. "My sweet baby, I never thought I'd see you again."
He barked like crazy, covering me in wet kisses before his little pug self couldn't take it and he had to gasp for air, panting wildly.
"Oh my, I didn't realize this was a reunion," the worker said, her voice cracking and tears streaming down her face. "I never would have let you pay otherwise. We don't charge reunion fees here. Family is family."
"Keep it as a donation then," Brock said. "This was worth every fucking penny."
"I've missed you so much, Roscoe," I told him. "You won't believe how hard I looked for you when you disappeared."
"I'll give you some time, take as long as you need," the worker said as she slipped out, closing the door behind her.
"How did we do?"