Page 48 of Pucking the Players
I blinked away my tears at Brock's question, looking up at them all.
"This is the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me," I said before more tears spilled down my cheeks. Tate crouched down in front of me and put his hands on my cheeks, thumbs swiping away my tears.
"You're worth it. We want you to be happy and that includes making sure you have everything you need, including him."
"Roscoe likes you," I said. He'd quieted now and was giving Tate a grumpy look. That was his way of showing approval. My ex hated that he'd bark if he got too close to us, but Roscoe was silent now. Maybe he was a better judge of character than I was.
"I'm glad we found you, Roscoe," Tate said, extending his hand for Ros to sniff. He gave him one before he licked him. Tate laughed and ruffled his ears before stepping back and finding a spot on the floor.
Brock and Elias both sat down next to Tate, offering their hands to my pug but he wouldn't leave my lap.
"You'll have to come to him, he won't let me out of his sight for a while, I'm sure."
Brock was the first to move, giving the pup a kiss without a single hint of fear that he'd be bitten. Roscoe gave a grumpy huff but accepted the love.
Elias was next. He extended his hand and let Roscoe decide before offering a few pets.
"We didn't know what he liked, so we bought everything we could think of to get him settled," Elias said. "He has a bed for each room of the apartment."
"Stop," I said, more tears coming at the fact they'd even prepared ahead. "Does that mean he's staying with you?"
"With you," Brock corrected. "If you're with us we figured he would be, too. I'd ask you to move in but I'm not about to scare you away."
"There's a dog park down the road, we can take him there a few times a day," Tate said quickly, shooting a glare at Brock's bold statement. Though right now I'd marry them if they asked me. This proved they were not only all in, that they actually listened and thought about me, not just themselves. They took everything I craved in a partner and took it several steps further.
"Wait, one more thing," Tate said. The guys raised their eyebrows, obviously not in on this part. He pulled a small piece of fabric from his back pocket and unrolled it. I barked out a laugh at the mini dog jersey with his number and name emblazoned on the back.
"Oh, you dick!" Brock growled playfully, shoving him. Elias was shaking his head with a begrudging respect on his face. He'd been one upped.
"Gimme," I demanded, taking it from him and laughing gleefully after tugging it on Roscoe. He looked adorable in his mini Hawks jersey. "Ready to go see grandpa?"
Elias snorted. "Tell me that you call your dad that to his face."
"Just wait, he is Roscoe's second favorite person. I'm number one."
"Obviously," Brock teased, giving me a kiss on the head and pulling me to my feet. "Let's go to practice."
The lady was waiting for us, dabbing her eyes.
"He was such a sad boy, we did everything we could to make him happy. Now he's just ecstatic." The guys gave Ros a skeptical look. To them, he looked grumpy like usual, but I saw his happy little pants and booty shake every few minutes.
"Thanks for keeping him safe for me," I offered. She crushed me in a hug and then gave Roscoe a treat.
"My pleasure. This is why I do what I do," she said. "Send me a pic now and then. Especially in those cute little jerseys."
"He'll have at least three," I mused, giving the guys a look. They didn't even bother to deny it. Between me and Roscoe, it would be a war among them.
"Have a safe journey home," she offered. "I'm Linda if you ever need to get a hold of me, and here are his files." She handed over a folder and her business card. I paused, an idea forming.
"Do you ever do fundraising events?"
She perked up. "We do. Our last one fell through and I've been searching for a new one. What do you have in mind? Trivia night was a flop."
"Well, I help run the Hawks’ ice rink now. Between cute pups and hockey players, I have a feeling we can do something amazing. Maybe even get a few adopted if you're interested?"
She tapped her chin as she thought it over but it was only a second before a bright smile formed on her face.
"I love that plan," Linda said. "Send me an email or text and we can discuss it. I'll mull over some ideas until then."