Page 12 of Eight Bikers' Heir
“I’m just glad you found yourself here,” I told her, seeing her relax a little. “Can I ask why?”
She parted her lips to reply until the sound of a motorcycle approached. Kai’s bike. She turned just as he pulled up next to her car, a shaky breath leaving her.
“I need to talk to him,” she said.
I looked up as Kai killed his engine and swung himself off the seat of his bike, my forehead creasing. Why did she need to talk to him?
“Seems like you’ve been keeping pretty little secrets from us,” I said with a smirk as Kai approached.
Kai didn’t even smile, which didn’t surprise me. He could be a grump, but given his past and all that he lost, I couldn’t blame him for not being all that cheery.
“Let’s talk over here,” he told the woman before leading her around to the side of the building.
The woman tensed a little, but she nodded, her eyes lingering on mine for a second before she followed him.
I watched them go, knowing I should go inside and mind my business. But I was curious about her and how she knew Kai. What if it had something to do with the club? I had a duty to protect them, even if it was our leader stirring things up.
I quietly edged closer to the corner of the building, stopping when I could make out what they were saying.
“Are you a hundred percent sure that you’re pregnant?” Kai asked with urgency in his voice. Like his life depended on complete certainty.
“Yes! I even took an extra test just to be sure. I’m definitely pregnant,” Aisling assured him, sounding firm and nervous at the same time somehow.
It was like someone punched me in the stomach, knocking the breath right out of my lungs. Kai got her pregnant. Why else would she be here?
“Okay,” Kai replied after a few moments.
I waited for him to say something else. We needed an heir, and it looked like that had miraculously been taken care of somehow. Why wasn’t he telling her that she’d be taken care of? That we’d take care of the baby and raise him?
“Wow, okay. Thanks for letting me know how you feel,” Aisling scoffed at him before rushing past me and hurrying into her car.
I watched her speed off, the sound of my heartbeat filling my ears. What the hell? I whirled around just as Kai came around the corner to the front of the building, his eyes cast downward.
“What was that? She’s pregnant?” I asked him as I approached him, making him stop in place.
Kai shook his head in disbelief as he looked up at me.
“I didn’t believe her when she told me over the phone. I mean… I sort of did, but I had to hear it directly from her. I had to see her,” he said.
My eyebrows knitted together. In all the years we had known each other, I had never heard Kai struggle with his words like this. He was good at putting his thoughts into words, but this had shaken him.
“When did you even meet her?” I asked.
Kai dragged his fingers through his blonde hair, breathing in deeply to steady himself.
“A few weeks ago. We hooked up,” he admitted. “I wasn’t even thinking about this possibly happening. I just…”
“Yeah, I could see why you were distracted,” I replied. Not only did she look good, but she had that cheeky, bold personality that we ate up. “But isn’t this a good thing? We were talking about needing an heir, and she’s pregnant with your child!”
Kai put both of his hands behind his head, giving himself even more room for a bigger inhale. I was sure that getting the news that he was a dad was shocking, but it was necessary.
“I know, but we have to talk to the guys first,” he pointed out. “Holy shit. I can’t believe this.”
I put my hand on his shoulder, allowing him a few moments to gather himself before we both went inside and motioned for the guys to meet us in the middle.
“We have something important to tell you guys,” I said as we formed a circle where everyone could see each other. This might be one of the most important meetings we ever had.
Kai crossed his arms over his chest, his expression hardening as he collected himself.