Page 13 of Eight Bikers' Heir
“A few weeks ago, I… slept with a woman I met at a club. It was a one-time thing, and I hadn’t heard from her until today. She told me that she’s pregnant, and the baby is mine,” he told us.
At first, silence rang throughout the clubhouse as the guys started at Kai in shock.
“Really? There’s an heir?” Claude asked with wide eyes.
“Yeah, what the hell? We were just talking about ways to get an heir a few days ago, and you suddenly already have an heir on the way?” Hayden questioned Kai.
“Did she say anything else? Is she keeping the baby?” Lincoln asked. I swore there was a glint of hope in his eyes. Out of everyone in the group, he was the most paternal, closely being followed by Cameron. They were family guys.
Kai put his hands up to silence the others so that he could think straight.
“We haven’t talked much. I just know that she’s pregnant, and it’s mine. That’s it,” he replied. “Auden and I believe this baby could be our heir. We could talk to Aisling and see if we could strike up a deal for us to raise the baby.”
So, that was her name. Aisling.
It suited her. A faint smile crossed my face at the thought of her, but it wasn’t like I could concentrate when a bunch of guys were spouting off their opinions.
“You think we’re getting an heir out of a deal with your fling?” Bradley asked with a sharp voice.
“Cool it, Bradley. Not everything can happen organically and perfectly. Get out of your damn fairy-tale,” Hayden told him, a frown crossing his dark-bearded face.
“Fuck you,” Bradley snapped as he took a step toward Hayden. “I don’t expect perfection. I expect a better approach. We’re skimming the bottom of the damn barrel like the Hornets.”
I sighed as I watched Claude step between them to make sure a fist fight didn’t start. We were brothers and cared for each other, but that didn’t mean we didn’t butt heads every so often. There were a bunch of big personalities in this one building.
“We’re doing what needs to be done,” I spoke up as I moved to stand next to Kai.
“Say we make this deal. What happens if she has a girl and not a boy?” Claude asked.
“Heirs have always been boys,” Chris pointed out.
“Doesn’t matter. We can raise a girl or a boy to lead,” Hayden spoke up.
Kai nodded in agreement.
“I don’t care what she has. I want to raise them to be one of us. To lead the next generation of us,” he told us with a firm look on his face, daring anyone to speak up.
“That’s great and all, but this is… asinine. Turning an accidental baby into an heir without hardly any planning,” Bradley said as he shook his head.
“What do you think we’re trying to do? We’re trying to plan,” Kai replied as he gestured to everyone. “Look, we’ll make this as simple and uncomplicated as we can. Aisling will stay with us for… a year. Okay? We’ll protect her while she’s pregnant and make sure the Hornets don’t know about her. After she has given birth, she can go back to her normal life and keep in contact with the baby while we raise it as our heir.”
I nodded in agreement, figuring that sounded like a good deal. I didn’t know what Aisling would say, but it seemed like everyone was content as they nodded their heads. Bradley didn’t shout his agreement, but he didn’t voice his disagreement either. That was good enough.
“Sounds like a plan, boss,” I told Kai.
Kai relaxed a little and nodded, a faint sigh drifting from him.
“Good. Let’s sleep on it,” he said before turning and heading out of the back door of the clubhouse, leaving the rest of us behind as silence lingered in the air.
This was a huge decision and an even bigger change for our club to go through. But the Iron Serpents’ survival and longevity was on the line as our enemy took a step ahead of us, preparing for the future and threatening to leave us in the past. We had to step up, even if we were about to venture into unknown territory.
Everything was about to change.
Kai’s disappointing reaction haunted me for days, but it also encouraged me to do my best to move forward with my life.