Page 59 of Eight Bikers' Heir
“You’re not taking my son and keeping me captive here,” I bit out, fighting the chill that tried to race up my spine when his icy eyes met mine. “If you think you’re coming out of this a winner, you’re not as smart as you give yourself credit for. Trust me!”
Ghoul tilted his head back with a cold laugh.
“Do you really think I’m keeping you after you give birth? You’ll be useless to me once you pop that baby out,” he told me, gesturing at me in a dismissive manner like he wanted to toss me aside like a piece of trash.
My stomach dropped, making me even more nauseous than I already was.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked in a quiet voice, feeling afraid to hear the answer.
Ghoul smirked as he crossed his arms.
“I can’t have you sprinting back to the Serpents, mouthing off about what I’m doing. It’ll be easy to bury you.”
He was going to kill me. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs refusing to work as I faced my fate. He was right about me not being any use to him once the baby was born. Why did I think that he was going to spare me?
“Don’t,” I said, unable to utter another word as my throat tightened. My eyes burned with terrified tears.
If he killed me, how could I protect my son? How could I make sure that he was taken care of and raised to be a good, strong person instead of a vile criminal like the Hornets wanted him to be? The moment he would be stripped from my arms was when a part of me would die, and I didn’t know how to stop that from happening when I was at Ghoul’s mercy.
It wasn’t fair.
Ghoul chuckled and shook his head at me like he thought I was foolish.
“You gave me everything I ever wanted, honey. The chance to destroy my rival and to gain an heir all in one go,” he told me as he leaned close to me. “I can’t thank you enough.”
Another wave of rage rushed through me as I glared at the man who wanted to destroy everything I loved and everything I wanted for my life and my son’s life. We wouldn’t ever know peace if Ghoul continued to rule the Hornets, but I couldn’t even get out of this chair.
“You can shove your gratitude up your ass! If you think you’re going to take my son away and raise him as your own, you’re stupider than I thought. I hope the guys find you and buryyou!” I spat at him, trying to kick my feet at him.
With a furious look on his face, Ghoul suddenly struck his hand out, slapping me across the face so hard that the sound echoed throughout the room.
My skin flared up red and stung from the impact, tears jumping to my eyes as I grimaced in pain. I should’ve known that he wasn’t above hitting me. He was planning to kill me after all.
“That’ll teach you to yell at me, bitch,” Ghoul hissed, giving his hand a light shake as he stepped away from me. “You’ll stay down here until that baby wants to come out. If you keep mouthing off, I’ll make things ten times worse for you. Don’t try me.”
“That might take days. A week!” I told him. He couldn’t possibly keep me tied to this chair for that long.
Ghoul shrugged, not looking the least bit concerned about me or even the baby’s health. He was putting us both at risk, and no one might end up with a baby if he kept treating me like this.
“Don’t care. Get comfortable,” he said with an amused smirk.
With shock running through my body, I watched him head up a small flight of stairs and leave the basement. The wooden floor above me creaked as he walked over my head, dust floating through the air. I coughed a few times, tears finally spilling down my cheeks.
I couldn’t believe someone could bethatcruel. I breathed in shakily, attempting to calm myself, but the panic rolled over me in waves. One after another.
I couldn’t get out of here by myself. I wasn’t an idiot. When it was time to give birth, I would do everything in my power to try to protect my son, but the future looked bleak. It felt like everything was slipping out of my grip, being ripped away by cruel men who only cared about power.
My head lowered as I sniffled and weakly pulled at my restraints again, wishing the ropes would somehow snap. How would I get out of here without getting caught, though? This was probably the Hornets’ clubhouse, so there were probably multiple bikers walking around.
I didn’t know what would happen if they caught me trying to escape. If I got a slap for yelling, I didn’t want to imagine the punishment for making a break for it.
A shaky breath left me as pure fear gripped my heart. All I could hope for was for the guys to find me and help me, but I also didn’t want them to get hurt trying to save me. I refused to let this baby be raised by anyone but them and me.
But it was becoming clearer and clearer that I might not have a choice in the matter. If I was in this alone, this might be it. I wouldn’t be able to watch my son grow up. I wouldn’t be able to see if the guys loved me back. I wouldn't be able to live the life I dreamed of.
Everything would be over before it truly began.