Page 60 of Eight Bikers' Heir
We rode to the Hornets’ clubhouse in the late afternoon, the sun slowly starting its descent behind us. I didn’t want to wait until sundown because it was harder to attack at night.
Sure, it was harder for the Hornets to defend themselves in the dark, but we were stepping on their turf. They had an advantage over us, so we needed to level out the playing field as much as we could.
Putting a quarter mile between all of us, we filed down the road, making sure not to get too close to the Hornets’ clubhouse, constructed from the remnants of an old bar. There was only one story from what we knew, so the Hornets didn’t have that much space to hide from us.
We parked a road away from the clubhouse and headed closer on foot, slipping down an alleyway that was across the street. The smell of stale beer and wet asphalt lingered in the air as we kept our backs close to the brick wall, not wanting to be spotted from the front window of the clubhouse.
“Slow down, Bradley,” Kai told me, trailing me as I led the group.
“She’s right in there,” I replied, shooting him a sharp look. I didn’t want to slow down and let these evil bastards continue to torment her. I doubted they were serving her dinner and giving her a foot massage.
“I know, but we can’t blow our cover before we even get across the street,” Kai said, reflecting my stern expression. “Do you even remember the plan, or are you just operating off pure rage?”
Part of me was. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so angry before, my skin burning just from the thought of Ghoul or any of the others being around her. I couldn’t stand it.
Standing here felt like I was betraying her, subjecting her to more minutes with those bastards who only saw her as an incubator for their heir. It disgusted me, and I was itching to not only save her, but to take the Hornets down too.
“We split up. One group goes through the front door. One group finds the back door. We attack at the same time. Lincoln and Claude search for her, while everyone else keeps the Hornets at bay,” I reeled off the plan that we all agreed to earlier.
“You’re leading the front charge, while I lead the back,” Kai reminded me. “Don’t make any stupid moves.”
It was hard to think straight when I looked at the clubhouse, seeing the Hornets’ logo on the front door and how I wanted to shatter the glass with my fist. No matter what happened today, we had to put an end to the Hornets, whether that was running them out of town or scaring them so badly that they didn’t want to be within ten miles of us. They couldn’t keep doing things like this.
“Hush. Someone is coming out,” Auden whispered from behind Kai, pointing ahead as the front door swung open.
I gritted my teeth as I saw Ghoul stroll out of the clubhouse, lighting a cigarette and blowing a faint cloud of smoke into the air. He looked so damn smug that it made me want to punch that look right off his face.
Ghoul took his phone out and pressed it to his ear. He was a natural loudmouth, so his voice floated across the street enough for me to make out the words he was saying.
“She’s a feisty one, alright. And she’s about to pop. Instead of messing around with that flaky bitch, we should’ve been looking for an heir to steal,” he laughed.
I ground my teeth, hating every single word that was coming out of his mouth. He would regret every single one of them when I got my hands on him.
“Such a shame. This one is a pretty one. Who knows how long it’ll be until she delivers? Maybe I’ll have some fun with her in the meantime,” Ghoul said with a smirk.
Every string holding my resolve together snapped. There wasn’t a thought in my head after he said those words. My body moved on its own, driven by sheer fury.
“Bradley, no!” Kai bit out, reaching out to try to grab the sleeve of my black t-shirt.
I slipped away from his grip and ran across the street, not even bothering to look and see if cars were coming. When I was close enough, I lunged at Ghoul, who dropped his phone and cigarette as I crashed into him.
A curse rang from Ghoul as we hit the ground. He kicked at me, striking my shoulder with his boot and knocking me off.
“Hornets! We’ve got company!” Ghoul shouted.
I looked up just as Hornets started pouring out of the clubhouse, my heart thundering in my chest as I realized that I was terribly outnumbered. I quickly pushed myself to my feet, preparing myself to fight as many as possible so that I could get inside and get Aisling.
“Come on!” I shouted.
It wasn’t long before Kai and Auden joined my side, followed by the other Serpents. Our cover had been blown, and our element of surprise was gone. It was us out in the open, which was never a good battle environment. There was nowhere to find cover.
Ghoul cackled as he faced off with us, flanked by his other members.
“Did you really think you could break into our clubhouse and attack us? Seriously?” he asked with a ridiculing tone. “You’re not getting anywhere near her. That baby is mine.”
“No, he’s not!” I spat, feeling Kai grab my arm as I tried to lunge forward. He wasn’t laying a finger on my son. I didn’t care what I had to do to stop him.