Page 43 of Playing for Keeps
“That’s pretty amazing,” Allie whispered, her gaze snagging on the causeway across to the mainland. Silver light from the moon shone on the wet sand, giving the appearance of a shiny path that was utterly magical.
Hugh’s voice was a soft caress in the still night air. “That’s the sort of view you could imagine in an advert for a wedding venue.”
He flashed her a flirty smile and she laughed freely.
As they set off for a slow walk back to the car, all Allie could think was that it had been the most perfect date she’d ever been on.
And it wasn’t over yet.
On the drive back to the golf course, a sense of calm settled over Allie. For a person who generally approached life at a hundred miles an hour, it was a novel feeling. The silence in the car felt therapeutic, and she wished the drive was a little longer.
Back at the golf club, Hugh stepped out of the car with her, apparently intent on walking her to her door. It felt completely natural to curl her fingers around his for the short walk and then completely unnatural to unfurl them again outside of her door.
While she unlocked the door, Hugh leaned casually with his shoulder resting against the doorframe.
“Moment of truth,” he said, his features shadowy under the security light. He was standing close enough that he wouldn’t have to lean far to kiss her. Her stomach flipped at the thought and her gaze dropped to his lips.
“Did you have fun?” he asked, not moving an inch.
“I did,” she said wistfully, wondering if she should take the initiative and kiss him. Not kissing him felt like a slow-building torture.
“So you think I’m just bad at first dates?”
“That seems to be the case,” she agreed, barely focusing on her words.
He pushed his hands into his pockets. “I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not.”
“Why?” she asked, amused by his playful tone.
“Because if the second date hadn’t gone well, I could have claimed I was a third date kind of person and tried to convince you to go out with me again.”
“That’s a good point.” Her heart rate increased with a mixture of excitement and nerves as she waited for him to make a move – kiss her or ask her out again. Either would be fine. Both would be better. “What do you think would be a good third date activity?” she asked, sensing that he needed a nudge.
“I haven’t got a clue. Apparently second dates are my speciality.”
Okay, maybe he needed more than a nudge. Maybe he wanted her to be the one to make a move.
“How about surfing?” she suggested.
“I feel as though that’s at least a sixth date activity.” There was the briefest pause before his eyes widened. “Sorry, did you mean regular surfing? I was thinking of the naked kind, which definitely isn’t a third date activity.”
“I reckon six dates would also be way too soon for naked surfing,” she said, her cheeks beginning to ache from smiling.
“You’re probably right.” He straightened up. “So would you like to go surfing with me sometime? With swimsuits and wetsuits and all that.”
“I’d like that.”
“Great. When are you free?”
She wondered whether she should play it cool before deciding she didn’t have the willpower. She wanted to see him again soon, and she didn’t care if he knew it.
“I’m working from lunchtime tomorrow, but we could go in the morning.” Surely morning was a good time to surf.
Hugh’s features fell serious. “I have to work tomorrow.”
“I thought you were self-employed. Doesn’t that mean you make your own schedule?”