Page 44 of Playing for Keeps
“Yes.” He shifted his weight from foot to foot and Allie wished she’d played it cool after all. “It’s just that I … um …”
“We can wait until the weekend,” Allie said, trying not to think about how far away that felt.
“Yeah, maybe …” He winced. “No, tomorrow’s fine. Let’s go tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Tomorrow’s great. Shall we meet at the surf shack down on Thurley Beach? Do you know it? It’s only like a five-minute walk from here.”
“Yes, I’ve seen it on my walks.”
After a quick discussion about timing, Hugh made a discreet move towards her. Allie’s heart stuttered and her throat went dry, but then he took a step away, leaving her wondering what on earth was happening. And why he wasn’t kissing her.
“See you tomorrow then,” he said, backing away quickly.
“Yeah. Goodnight.”
“Night,” he called over his shoulder.
Inside, Allie closed the door behind her, telling herself that she’d had a great evening, even if the end of it had been disappointing.
Besides, she’d see him again tomorrow.
* * *
Deciding what to wear for a date at the beach really shouldn’t have been too challenging. Especially considering she’d be changing into a wetsuit as soon as she got there. Still, it took her longer than it should have to get ready. There was an unwelcome tingle of nerves in her stomach too.
She was about to leave when a notification popped up on her phone with a message from her cousin. For a moment, she considered not even looking at it before her brain conjured a bevy of reasons for the message, which she couldn’t ignore. Her dad’s health, a problem at Fox Hill, a bunch of emergencies that she’d kick herself later for ignoring.
Clicking into the message, her worries dissolved immediately. Bella was only asking how Allie was.
Great, she replied and hit send. How are you?
Her eyes stayed on her phone as she pulled her beach bag onto her shoulder. Dots skittered across the screen, then stopped, then started again.
“Hurry up,” Allie growled. “I need to go.”
She almost jumped out of her skin when the phone rang.
“What the heck is going on?” Bella demanded, not bothering with a greeting.
“How do you mean?”
“I mean you said you’re great. What kind of reply is that?”
“The kind that says I’m great.” She frowned in confusion.
“But you’re never great. You’re stressed, or busy, or in a rush …”
“I am actually in a bit of a rush,” Allie said, but Bella spoke over her.
“I’ve been avoiding getting in touch because I didn’t want to give you the chance to complain about what a terrible time you’re having, but … everything is great?”
“Yeah. It’s all good.”
“So you’re not planning on packing up and coming home anytime soon.”
“Not immediately.” She sank onto the bed. If she was a few minutes late, it wasn’t a big deal. “Is everything okay there?”