Page 45 of Playing for Keeps
“Yes. I’m keeping a beady eye on Uncle Richard. He’s fine.”
“And Fox Hill? How’s the club?”
“I love being the boss,” she said excitedly. “Everyone does what I say. It’s great.”
“Don’t let the power go to your head.”
“I’ll try not to. So how’s life by the beach? Are you really having a good time?”
“Yes. I feel as though I’m on holiday.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Yes.” She laughed. “Now, I need to go. I was about to walk out of the door.”
“Off to work? How is it being a lowly waitress rather than running the place?”
“It’s fine. I’m not on my way to work, though. I have a date.”
The squeal that she expected didn’t come and she moved the phone from her ear, checking the connection.
“Bella? Did I lose you?”
“No. I’m here. Fairly sure I misheard you … I could’ve sworn you said you have a date.”
Allie beamed. “I did.”
“That’s very confusing. You don’t date.”
“That’s not true … This will be my third date in a week.”
That got the squeal she’d been waiting for.
“Are you serious?”
“Is it someone who works at the golf club?”
“No. He’s an architect called Hugh.”
“Oh, wow. He sounds very grown up.”
“That’s because he is a grown-up.”
“This is mad. It’s been so long since you dated anyone.”
“I’ve had a lot going on the last couple of years. When would I have had time to date?”
“You could have found time, but that’s beside the point. Hugh sounds lovely. I’m really pleased.”
“He sounds lovely? I haven’t told you anything about him.”
“He has a normal name and a stable job. That’s a big step for you. That’s growth.”
Allie grinned as she stood. “What are you talking about?”
“Back when you did date, it was always guys with weird names who didn’t have proper jobs.”