Page 17 of Hug Bug
There’s only one problem.
My giant, ten-inch cut shaft is lodged against his back. There’s no way he can’t feel it like a huge steel beam that’s fallen on him.
When he wiggles back and forth, my dick wiggles with him. What he doesn’t realize is that every time he moves, he stimulates me.
"I feel like there’s an elephant in this tub with me." BJ scratches his temple.
I grunt as I look down, willing my hardness to die down. "Yeah, you’re gonna have to bear with Daddy. He’s not used to being in the tub with a cute boy."
BJ’s petite hand rams down on my hairy thigh that’s wider than his hips. "You’re not going anywhere."
Most times, I stay out of the tub when I wash a boy. That’s because it’s tough to concentrate on the task at hand. I’d rather deal with my attraction on my own terms, perhaps put my hand down my pants, instead of making a scene.
When I was with the Grandpa Little, I did this often. His old, slim yet petite body was so hot, and I desperately wanted to climb in with him. However, when he was in Little headspace, he was strictly non-sexual. I was a bit surprised when he told me this, because most Littles especially the older ones don't mind blending their kink activities with steamy times. I respected the Grandpa’s consent and didn’t ask him to do anything that would’ve made him feel uncomfortable. I had to stay in control of my need.
I’d better get this question out of the way with BJ. I’m positive I know the answer, but I’d prefer that he spells it out.
"Tell me one more time whether you’re comfortable doing R-rated activities when you’re in Little space, BJ."
BJ cocks his head back. "Well, yes. That should be obvious from our time in the cuddle room."
I smile. "It’s never a bad idea to double check."
"Triple check," BJ grumbles, picking up a rubber ducky and then dropping it. "Quadruple check. Yes, I mix up my head spaces. I can’t believe I have to say this out loud. A lot."
I move the washcloth down, then bring it to his bum. I rub it back and forth, and BJ sighs.
He leans back, pressing his bum against my balls. "Careful, now. Don’t want to scrub me too deep."
I scrub his crack. "Daddy’s just giving you a nice clean. Ensuring you’re spick and span."
BJ’s fingers fig deeper into my thigh. "Crap, Daddy! No one’s ever touched me there before."
I can’t help but laugh. "Calm down, sweet boy. It’s only a gentle washcloth."
I work it forward and backward, and BJ’s skin flushes as his body withers. He takes my hand that’s not scrubbing him and brings it between his legs. "Look at what you’re making happen."
I tug my hand away and playfully swat his belly. "Bad boy. Daddy’s only washing you, so get your mind out of the gutter."
BJ squirms on my lap. Lifting a rubber ducky, he brings it to his teeth and bites it. "This is better than my fantasies."
I lift BJ’s hips up, then stare in wonderment at his body. His ass is so pale and pink, and the tub water makes it shine nicely. Fuck, I need to be careful with him. Out of his cute dump truck onesie, crushing him would be too easy.
I place his ass on my knee and then scrub his thigh. "Tell me about your family. We don't know much about each other, sweetie."
BJ mulls this, twisting a strand of his thick hair around his index finger. "You know that my father was an accountant and my mother was a schoolteacher. I’m afraid I didn’t have the most exciting upbringing."
I focus on getting him clean. "Any siblings?"
"No, but I did have a puppy." I can’t see BJ’s cheeks, but I think they’re pink if the flush on the sides of his neck is any indication. "His name was Rover."
"What kind of dog?" I like asking my boy questions. I like learning about his life.
"A Dalmatian." BJ giggles as I wash behind his ears. "He was a bad boy who always leapt on the counter to steal treats."
"Bad boy indeed." Naughty dog. I would’ve loved him.
"Once my mother was cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving and she left it to cool on a shelf in our porch for a couple of minutes. Rover got outside and ate half."