Page 18 of Hug Bug
My jaw drops. "He didn’t."
"He did."
Lifting up a bottle of shampoo, I squirt a decent amount into my huge palm and then run my fingers through BJ’s hair. He submits to my firm hand, allowing me to clean him. "Rover sounds like he needed a timeout."
BJ laughs as he splashes his ducky in the water. "Rover needed more than a timeout. He needed puppy school." He shakes his head. "I tried to teach him to be a good boy. I really did. Every time I gave him a treat for behaving, he’d grab the stash on the counter and then run into the living room. I’d chase him all over the house but he never listened."
I playfully smack BJ’s forehead from behind. "A timeout wouldn’t have cut it. He needed a spanking."
BJ has a head full of shampoo suds when he turns around to scowl at me. "You can’t spank a dog."
"I wouldn’t have done it. A puppy trainer would’ve." I lift my hands in self-defense.
I barely spank my partners, even though I’m not against giving them a firm swat. It depends on the gravity of their misdeed. If they were merely talking back, that’s one thing. If they stole a candy bar from my snack shelf, that’s another.
A lot of Daddies at the Hug Club aren’t into spanking their boys, and frankly, I don't understand it. Nothing corrects bad behavior faster than discipline. Plus, I like it. I always get hard, and I groan as I look at a juicy ass spread across my meaty lap.
My partners have never complained. They enjoy the spankings, too. If their hard dicks are any indication.
BJ nods. "I’m normally against corporal punishment, but kindly asking Rover to behave didn’t work at all. Maybe we could’ve spanked him with a newspaper."
I can’t help but smile. "Not a bad idea."
I steal another peak at BJ’s ass as I scrub his hair and let out a groan.
Now this is a boy I’d love to spank. Oh yes, indeed. I’d spread him across my lap and tell him to quit being so cute.
Then, I’d let a nice firm swat fly across his skin, making it even pinker.
I dip BJ’s head under the water to rinse the suds out. He screams when he surfaces. "My eyes!"
A laugh escapes me. "Relax, sweet boy. This is tear-free shampoo. It doesn’t sting."
BJ blinks a couple of times. First, his left eyelid opens all the way, then his right. He glances around the bathroom, resembling all too uncannily a bird glancing around its mother’s nest for the first time, his very first welcome to the outside world.
BJ thrusts his arms around me. "I’ve never been scrubbed so well in my life."
I push a snort. "That makes it sound like you’ve been scrubbed before."
He whips his head back and forth. "Only by my imaginary Daddy. You know, the one all good boys have who assists them in the bathtub. Sorry, imaginary Daddy, your skills don't come close to Bryce’s."
I puff my chest out, pride welling up inside of me. Yep, I am better, thank you very much. BJ said so, and that’s a compliment I don’t receive lightly.
I pat BJ’s head. "Damn right I am."
BJ stares at me in shock. A gasp flies out of his gaping mouth as he brings his hands over it. "You said a naughty."
I scratch my forehead. "No, I didn’t."
"Yes, you did."
"I said damn."
BJ’s eyes bulge. "You said it again."
A chuckle escapes me, and I rub BJ’s leg to calm his nerves. "Damn isn’t a naughty when you’re a Daddy. Only when you’re a boy in Little space. Then, you’d better be careful."
BJ lifts a rubber ducky and bonks it on my nose. "Quit cursing around me. Baby’s ears aren’t used to such horrible words!"